Chapter 8| I'm Here

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A few months later it was Amy's day off she was enjoying a stroll when she saw Shadow in a cafe with Cream and Cheese

Shadow was eating his coffee beans while Cream and Cheese drinking a shake

Amy| What are you three doing here

Shadow looked up, his usual serious expression unchanging.

Shadow| Merely taking a break. I find the atmosphere in this place tolerable.

Cream greeted Amy with a warm smile.

Cream| Hello, Ms. Amy! Mr. Shadow's teaching me how to use a gun

Amy raised an eyebrow at Cream's statement, her curiosity piqued.


Shadow calmly scooped some of his coffee while answering

Shadow| Relax, pink hedgehog. I'm teaching Cream about self-defense, not encouraging her to go around shooting things.

Amy| Uh huh Cream does Vanilla know about this?

Cream| Oh, yes, Ms. Amy! I asked my mom, and she said it's okay as long as it's for self-defense. Mr. Shadow is really good at it.

Amy was still unsure so she consulted her fortune cards

Amy, feeling a bit uneasy about Cream learning self-defense from Shadow, decided to consult her fortune cards for guidance. She pulled out her cards and began shuffling them, deep in thought.

Amy| Let's see what the cards have to say about this situation.

As Amy drew the cards, she carefully laid them out, interpreting their meanings. The cards seemed to show Amy a vision of Cream shooting people that hurt her or her friends and family

Shadow| So what did it say rose

Amy examined the cards, her expression shifting from uncertainty to a thoughtful frown.

Amy| (sigh) It's not good but if you promise me you'll train Cream self-control I'll allow it

Shadow nodded, acknowledging Amy's concerns.

Shadow| I assure you, Amy, my training includes emphasizing self-control and responsibility. Cream will learn to use these skills wisely.

Amy, still a bit hesitant, looked at Cream.

Amy| Cream, promise me you'll be careful and only use what Shadow teaches you for self-defense, okay?

Cream nodded with determination.

Cream| I promise, Ms. Amy! Mr. Shadow said it's important to protect ourselves and others.

Amy smiled, appreciating Cream's sincerity. Then Amy ruffle Cream's hair

Amy| Alright, little buddy I'll trust you

Meanwhile with Sonic Tails and Knuckles

Sonic and Tails were strumming their guitar practicing while Knuckles practice drumming

Sonic| Slright guys one more time after all we can't make a fool out of ourselves on our own concert

Tails| Yeah but why do we have to hide this from Amy

Knuckles| Don't tell me you'll anonymously send Amy a ticket to it

Sonic| Oh yeah I could have done that but sadly I did not, anyways let's get back to it

As Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles continued their musical practice, Amy, Shadow, Cream, and Cheese spent the day exploring various activities.

Shadow| Hey uh Amy uh do you want uh to go with me to a concert happening in a few days

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