Chapter 19| Side Story| Nicky The Hedgehog

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*Ok I'll make this short*

*This chapter is in an alternate timeline where Sonic was a shy and weak guy who always gets saved by his girlfriend and it's a high school-like story but not really*

*Ok without further Ado let's start*

It was a beautiful day and Nicky or, Sonic were asleep in his room when someone knocked on his bedroom door

???| Hey Nicky I'm here to pick you up for school are you ready

Nicky/Sonic groggily rubbed his eyes, his voice muffled as he responded to the voice at his door.

Nicky| Yeah, I'm up. Just give me a minute.

With a yawn, Nicky/Sonic dragged himself out of bed, his movements sluggish as he got ready for another day at school. He quickly threw on some clothes and grabbed his backpack before heading downstairs to meet his friend.

Nicky| (mumbling) Morning, Amy. Thanks for waking me up.

Amy grinned at Nicky, her eyes sparkling with energy as she waited for him by the front door.

Amy| No problem, Nicky! And by the way, you left this at your desk at school yesterday

Amy retrieved Nicky/ Sonic's glasses from her bag and then put them on Nicky/Sonic

Nicky/Sonic blinked in surprise as Amy placed his glasses on his face, the world suddenly coming into sharp focus as he adjusted to the familiar sensation. With a grateful smile, he nodded his thanks to Amy before following her out the door and into the bright morning sunlight.

Nicky| Thanks, Amy. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Amy linked her arm with Nicky/Sonic's as they walked to school together, her presence a source of comfort and reassurance to him.

Amy| Aw, don't mention it, Nicky! You know I'll always be here for you.

As they made their way to school, Nicky/Sonic couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Amy. In a world where he often felt small and insignificant, she was always there to lift him and support him, giving him the strength to face each day with a smile on his face. And for that, he would always be thankful.

Later the school hallway

Amy| Nicky I have biology can you be brave for me and get to your class on your own

Nicky/Sonic nodded, a nervous smile tugging at his lips as he watched Amy head off to her biology class. Taking a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and steeled himself for the challenge ahead. With Amy's encouragement still echoing in his mind, he made his way through the bustling school hallway, his heart pounding with each step.

As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiety coursing through him. The crowded hallways seemed to press in on him, filled with students chatting and laughing with their friends. Nicky/Sonic felt like an outsider in his school, invisible to those around him as he navigated through the sea of faces.

But just as he was about to succumb to his insecurities, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

???| Hey, Nicky! Wait up!

Nicky/Sonic turned to see his friend Tails jogging towards him, a friendly smile on his face.

Tails| Hey, man! How's it going?

Nicky| Hey, Tails. Not too bad, I guess.

Tails fell into step beside Nicky/Sonic, his easygoing demeanor a welcome distraction from Nicky/Sonic's nerves.

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