Chapter 9 - Like a Beer on a Beach

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I fired up the grill while Belly was in the kitchen putting together the shrimp skewers. The sun was starting to set, and I looked out towards the inlet, the tall grasses were swaying in the soft wind. Everything about the past couple of days was perfect. I couldn't ask for a better start to our forever.

Even though everything was perfect between Belly and I, I couldn't help to think of Jeremiah from time to time, and wonder how he is doing. He was really angry and bitter at us for a long time, but it seemed like he was coming around. Even though Jeremiah walked away on their almost wedding day, I knew how he felt about Belly. He did love her, in his own way. But I know deep down, he knew what we all did, and finally accepted it. Belly and I were meant for each other. He's my little brother, and I will always love him, look out for him, and wish him well. But I don't know if things will ever be the same with us. The truth is, they have never been the same since our last summer with everyone together in Cousins.

About that time, Belly came out of the back door with a tray of skewers ready for the grill, and two coronas in glass bottles, with little lime slices wedged in the mouth of the bottles. She sat the tray of skewers down on the side of the grill, handed me a beer, and pulled up two patio chairs, sitting in one and putting her feet up in the other. "I love watching you grill, it turns me on." She said while she grinned from ear to ear. I just laughed. I knew she was only half serious. "I should have known the quickest way to your heart was food." I said, grinning while sipping on the beer. I leaned over to kiss her on the lips. The lime from the Corona lingering on my lips mixed with the smell of her coconutty scent made her smell and taste as refreshing as a beer on a beach.

After the skewers were on the grill, I picked up Belly's feet and sat in the chair opposite from her, sat her feet back down on my lap and ran my hands over her feet and calves. God, this was perfect. I hoped things would always be this way. I wondered if my mom and dad felt like this when they were newlyweds.

"What's wrong, Conrad?" she asked. I looked at her, quizzingly. "Conrad, I can tell when something's wrong. You are worrying about something. I saw the look on your face as I was coming outside, before you noticed me."

"It's just Jere. I worry about him. I wonder if he will ever forgive us, if things will ever go back to the way they were." he said.

" At the end, the last time I went to visit your mom, she told me, eventually we would all find our way back to each other. I have to believe she knew what she was talking about. Your mom was always so wise, so profound."she said.

I nodded my head in agreement. I hoped Mom was right. I hoped we could find our way back to each other in a way that would be comfortable for all of us.

When the shrimp was done, we took it inside and got ready for dinner. Belly had the table set and everything else already prepared. I noticed she had made a salad to go with our skewers. Belly ate her skewers like it was the best thing she had ever tasted. I laughed a little at how fast she was eating. I was no stranger to how Belly ate. She wasn't like most girls, afraid to be seen eating too much in front of a guy. I had seen her eating my whole life, so it was normal to me. Besides, I hated when girls used to do that around me. It bothered me for some reason.

" What? I am so hungry!" We never ate dinner last night, and I barely had breakfast or lunch yesterday, and it's finally catching up to me."

"You're good Belly. I'm laughing because you're kinda cute when you're this hungry." "Mmmmmm...gosh,this is reaally good, Conrad. I love it when you grill. You have gotten pretty good at this." I just laughed and said thanks. I'm glad she is enjoying it.

After dinner I was clearing the table and taking the dishes to Belly, where she was at the sink loading the dishwasher. I sat the dishes on the counter next to her to free my hands. She looked so good there at the sink, barefoot, in her cutoffs and my old worn cousins shirt, her dark hair spilling down her back.

I moved behind her, taking her by the hips with one hand, and sweeping her hair to one side with the other, clearing her neck on the other side to kiss it. She scrunched up her shoulders and squealed at first, but I kept kissing her. I knew it drove her crazy. A small moan escaped from her throat and that was all it took for me. I pressed my whole body against her, wrapping my arms around her, exposing my need for her. She turned her head to the side, giggling and whispering "Do you want to go upstairs?"

She didn't wait for me to answer her. "Race ya!" she squealed, and started running towards the stairs. I chased after her, grabbing at her shirt and trying to pull her back, my competitiveness coming out just a little. Once upstairs, I pinned her against the wall outside the bedroom door and started kissing her like my life depended on it. "It's a tie." I said breathless between kisses. We pulled at each other's clothing, ripping off one piece at a time, until every piece was scattered along the hallway floor. I lifted her up, and she wrapped her mile- long legs around my hips and locked her feet together while she held her arms tight around my neck.

We were both kissing like we needed the other to breathe, barely taking in any air ourselves. We didn't even make it into our room.


I don't even know how to describe what I just felt. Pure ecstasy, except it's even more than that, because it's with Belly. No one else has ever, or could ever make me feel this way. I can't believe I'm this lucky. I get to do this, with the girl I love, forever. 

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