Chapter 33- Be My Gravity

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If that's not your thing or you don't like it, I wouldn't read this chapter. I am trying my best to keep the innocence of the story intact- the way Jenny always seemed to do, but also tell the story from an adult newlywed perspective. I want to capture the innocent essence of the characters, but also let the readers see their more grown-up selves. I hope that makes sense.


We walked back toward the street where our uber was supposed to pick us up, and I squeezed my new stuffed prize to my chest. It was a white unicorn with a pastel rainbow mane and tail, and a golden horn. "What are you going to name it?" Conrad asked, booping it on the nose. "Um, I don't know. I was thinking... since it's rainbow colored, that maybe I should name her Skittles- and then it would go with Jr. Mint, cause it's a candy name too." "I like it. It's cute." He said, and took my other hand, lacing his fingers with mine.

I loved how affectionate Conrad had grown since we found each other again. I loved feeling his hand intertwined in mine. It felt like it was made just for me, for my fingers to fit perfectly in between his. When I held his hand, I had this absolute feeling. It just felt like home.

We got back to the beach house pretty late, and Conrad reached up over the porch light to find the key. It was right where Mr. Graves said he would leave it. We opened the door slowly and crept inside, trying to be as quiet as possible. It was around eleven I think, so I'm sure Mr. Graves was in bed by now.

We dodged around the furniture in the living room while our eyes adjusted to the total darkness, heading to the staircase. Once we found it we tip-toed quietly up the stairs too. As soon as we got to our room, Conrad was reaching for me in the dark, pulling me towards him.

After our ride on the Ferris wheel, he reminded me several times the rest of the night how much he wanted me. Whether it was a mischievous whisper in my ear or a subtle grazing of my backside with his hand when we were walking, he was not letting me forget about that bet we made. He kept leaning over and whispering into my ear things like "I can't wait to get you alone," or "Just wait until we get back to the beach house, and see who really gets the prize." While his hand wrapped around my waist and drifted down below the small of my back, dangerously close to my backside.

Of course, Conrad ended up winning the games. He won two out of three- the basketball booth, like the shoot your shot back in Cousins, the shooting challenge, and I won the water gun race. And if I'm being honest, I'm not disappointed in the least. I'd rather have him like this, way more than a bag of sour patch kids.

As soon as the door was closed, he was grasping for me in the dark, and I could feel his hands gripping my waist right above my hips, his fingers digging in just slightly. He reached around me and found my zipper, pulling it down quickly. His lips were taking mine hostage as he was undressing me so effortlessly. He slipped my straps down over my shoulders one by one, kissing along each collarbone as he did. My skin tingled where his hot breath left its memory each time his lips grazed my skin.

He peeled my clothing off one piece at a time. His solid hands glided down my back, gripping firmly and pulling me towards him again. Then he spun me around so that my back was against the bedroom door as he pressed me into it, his hands lacing through mine above. I took in the crisp salt water and pine scent of him as the warmth and feel of his frame invaded my senses. He kissed down my neck in the spots he knows always leaves me wanting for more. His hot, wet kisses descending my neck sent pulses of electricity down my spine. His cloud-like lips explored their way down my body as he dropped to his knees in front of me-his hands trailing down after. They carved hot paths in my skin, leaving electric currents in their wake.

His lips were on my torso spilling feathery kisses across my skin. Then, he slowly and carefully lifted my leg, kissing my skin gently and placed it over his shoulder. His finger lightly traced patterns on my leg- so soft, that if it were a sound, it would be a whisper.

After a few seconds I recognized the familiar pattern that bound us together endlessly. He traced infinity symbols on my goose-bumped skin. As he did, each one felt visible, like the physical evidence was branded on me for good.

His lips then trailed up the inside of my leg starting at my knee- slow, and steady. Like he was a lone traveler, taking his time down a winding road- not in any hurry to arrive at his destination, but soaking up every magical moment of the journey. His mouth staked its claim over me. A warm, sunbaked ocean at high tide, washing over hot sand and pulling it out to sea. It was like that feeling you get after plunging yourself in the ocean at the end of a 99-degree day- the water warm enough to bathe in, swallowing you up and captivating your soul. Sweeping you to another place- another time. My neck suddenly felt weak, and my head dropped back in response before it hit the door, making a loud thud. "God, Belly... you're... so...."  he said with heavy, hooded eyes and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

He was enjoying this. His fingertips dug into my hips as the waves intensified- a riptide pulling me out to sea. My head was spinning. My breathing quickened. I felt weak in the knees, and I could no longer stand. The leg that was holding me up was shaky and now felt like a limp noodle. Conrad could tell- he anticipated my movement as I started to slide down slowly, and he braced me, keeping me from falling until I was lying flat on the floor.

He didn't hesitate for long before I felt the warmth of his ocean-like mouth take over again. The thought of him enjoying this- wanting me, needing more of me- sent me over the edge.

My insides felt like warm liquid-molten lava, actually, and I wasn't in control of my body any longer. He owned every particle of me in this moment. Every atom.

He knew every response of my body so well- was always so intuitive of what was coming next. He had me memorized- like an intricate map he had studied intensely, and knew the exact path to take that lead him to his prize.

My body relaxed completely after spiraling, unraveling at the seams. I wanted it to be my turn to lead- letting him relinquish control, for once. Taking care of the man who always looked after the needs of everyone else. 

 Tonight, our bodies moved together in perfect unison for what felt like an infinite amount of time- as if a magnet was pulling us together across the universe. Soon enough, I felt that familiar feeling- like I was a falling star, zipping at light speed through space and time infinitely until Conrad collapsed on me, resting his head on my chest and pulling me back to reality, grounding me. And it felt like the weight of him was the only thing keeping me here on the Earth.

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