Chapter 14- Clear the Air

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The shower with Conrad was....unexpected, but nice. So nice. I was worried that someone would come inside and notice that we were in the shower together, but when I got out, I realized that it didn't look like anyone had been inside. I know we are married, and everyone here is an adult, but that doesn't mean that they will act like adults. Steven for one, wouldn't let us hear the end of it. He'd ride us for days-weeks, heck, maybe even years. I try to avoid giving him ammunition to do so when I can. Everyone was still in the same place we left them. Good. We both enjoyed the shower, for obvious reasons, but other than that, we really tried to soak it in, because according to Conrad, that was our last good, comfortable shower for a while. I'm not gonna lie, I know sailing together will be so romantic, but I'm not excited about the bathroom situation on a sailboat.

After a couple of hours of hanging with our family, the time had finally come for us to set sail. To say I am excited about this would be an understatement. Stephen, Taylor, Mom, and Jeremiah took turns giving us hugs and wishing us good luck on our trip. My mom hugged me and kissed my forehead. Then she turned to Conrad and said, " Take care of yourselves, Connie. Be Safe. Don't take any chances." My mom was looking straight into Conrad's eyes, which meant she was serious. I knew that face. Conrad nodded his head and assured my mother we would be fine. "You know I'll take the very best care of Isabel" My mom nodded her head quickly in agreement. Jeremiah was the last to have a turn, and when he hugged me, this time it wasn't an awkward hug, it was a warm hug that enveloped me completely. Then he asked if he could have a second to talk with me. He glanced over at Conrad in a way that asked for permission, and Conrad gave him a subtle nod that was barely noticeable to anyone who wasn't paying attention. I walked with Jeremiah down to our gazebo on the pier.

"What's up, Jere?"

"Um... I just wanted to finally clear the air between us, officially."

"It's okay," I started, but he cut in.

" Belly, wait. I wanna say this." he spattered out.

So I became still and just listened.

" I've already talked to Con, but I couldn't let you leave without talking to you too. I know things have been crazy with us. With all of us. We've had our ups and downs, but I'm ready for the dust to settle for good. I miss you guys. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. It does." I could tell he saw my face fall at the words. It hurt me that Jeremiah was hurting. At one time, he was the most important person in the world to me. At one time, he was my best friend. " And... I miss you." he said, the words hanging in the air like a thick fog that hasn't settled yet. I'm not sure how I felt about that. I missed Jeremiah, of course I did. But I missed my Jeremiah. My best friend. The one who always tried to read my thoughts with our ESP, and was strangely always right. "It's okay, Bells. You don't have to say anything, I just want you to know. I miss you, and I'm sorry. I know I've been a jerk about you and Conrad for years. But I want you to know it's in the past. You chose Conrad. Well, I don't think you had a choice. I know he's always had a permanent space in your heart-and, and I didn't want to share you with anyone. I couldn't. Deep down, I think we all knew it was going to be you and Conrad all along. Mom knew it, and that's saying something." He spouted the words out in what seemed like one big breath. He took a deep breath and then let it out, looking like a weight had been lifted from him.

"Jeremiah..." " I miss you too. I miss my best friend. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I really am. That's the last thing I wanted to do."

"Me too, Bells. I know I hurt you and I could never tell you I'm sorry enough. But I'm gonna try and make it up to you. I want us all to be a family again. Like old times."

I nodded my head quietly in agreement, trying to imagine it in my mind's eye. I had almost forgotten what it was like before that one summer that changed everything. Jeremiah gave me another hug, but this time he squeezed me in a big bear hug that lifted me off my feet. We both laughed at the familiar feeling, and headed back to the patio. Conrad and Jeremiah exchanged a look that I can't quite explain. But I think it was an understanding, a truce between the two of them. Were we really on our way to being like the old summer kids again? 

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