Chapter 12- Visitors

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I walked downstairs to grab some things for breakfast. I looked in the fridge. We had orange juice, and the muffins from yesterday. I grabbed those along with some glasses, and started out the door. I stopped in my tracks when I saw them out back. Jeremiah was here and he and Conrad were in deep conversation, Conrad holding our clothes from last night in his hands all bundled up. Oh my God, I was so tired last night, I had forgotten about those. Jere didn't look very happy. What were they talking about? Instead of going outside, I waited there for a few minutes, watching their faces for a sign it was safe to go out.

Finally, I saw a relieved look on Con's face as I watched them embrace one another. What on Earth? Now that they weren't looking quite as intense, I grabbed the muffins and juice and headed out the back door. "Bells!" Jeremiah yelled out as he saw me. " You brought me breakfast? This is why I love you!" He said, in a playful tone. There was my longtime friend, Jeremiah. It seemed like the old him. Even so, I cleared my throat awkwardly as I sat the muffins and juice down on the table. "Uh, yeah. Don't eat them all. Save some of them for everyone else!" I said, matching his energy just enough, while slapping his hand away from the second muffin he was about to grab. Conrad was standing with one hand in his pocket and the other hand was holding our clothes as Jeremiah slapped me on the shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "It's good to see you Bells. You look happy." "Thanks, Jere, I am." I didn't know what else to say. I mean, what could I say? Sorry for breaking your heart? Sorry for choosing your brother? Sorry for messing everything up? So instead, I just awkwardly took the clothes from Conrad and said " Oh here, I'll take those. I'm putting on a load of laundry soon." and went inside.

Just then, the doorbell rang, and I opened the door to see Mom, Steven, and Taylor standing on the front porch with breakfast for everyone. "Good morning Cinder-Belly! "How'd your first day being married to your Prince Charming go?" She squealed out. "I can't wait to hear everything!" Steven rolled his eyes and made a puking face with his finger pointed to his mouth. "Ew, Taylor, can you wait until I'm not around to ask that kind of stuff?" " Get over it Steven." Taylor rolled her eyes at him as she handed me a carton of coffee from the local bagel shop, and a bag of fresh assorted bagels. "Thanks." I said, inviting them inside and sitting the breakfast on the kitchen island.

"Come upstairs with me while I get dressed, and I'll tell you." and we giggled all the way upstairs like little girls. " Damn, Belly..." Taylor trailed off as she eyed the clothes scattered along the hallway upstairs. "Yeah. I'll tell you about that. That. Was hot." I said, giggling and picking up the clothes one by one to take them to the hamper. We went into my room to have girl talk like we always did and shut the door behind us. Taylor sat down in the middle of my bed and criss crossed her legs. "So.... spill it Belly!"

"Okay, what do you want to know?"

"Uh, hello! How was the wedding night?"

"It was amazing. Conrad was so so sweet, and it was just the most amazing night ever." "Thank you for getting the house ready, by the way. Everything was perfect." I said.

"That's all you're gonna give me?!" Taylor squealed.

" What do you want me to say, Taylor?"

"Duh. Like how was the action?"

"Um...." I thought about it for a moment and my body tingled from the memory, phantom touches caressing my body and butterflies in my stomach. "Well, like I said, it was sweet, and romantic. And it was... really good." I giggled a little as I let that last part out. "Go on.." Taylor said, waiting. "Do you want a play by play?" "Pretty much." Taylor teased.

"Okay, well, I wore the lingerie set that you gave me. When I came out wearing it Conrad was stunned. Like he couldn't move or talk for a second. He said it was hot." "See, I told you!" she said. "What else?" Well, it was everything that you think a wedding night should be. He was sweet, and passionate. It was really, really good for both of us. When we were done, he just laid on me for a while, skin to skin, and that was surprisingly nice. I just had the warmest, most comfortable feeling. Like a blanket of comfort wrapping me up." Taylor was looking at me with judgmental eyes.  "Belly, are you still on the pill?" She asked, accusingly. "Yeah, of course," I stuttered and then started again. "We haven't even talked about when we want to have kids yet, I just know that he does. Want kids, I mean." I said.

"What else?" she asked. "We did it again the next morning, yesterday, after breakfast on the beach." "Hot." Taylor said. "What else?" "Well, the clothes that Conrad picked up by the pool, and the clothes in the hall were from last night. After dinner we were in the kitchen cleaning up, and Conrad started kissing me on my neck- you know how I feel about that. We raced to the bedroom. Neither one of us made it in. It was like one of those love scenes you see in movies... and it was mind blowing." "What?!, So. Hot. Belly!" "And then later last night we went skinny dipping in the pool." "Omg Belly, you little minx!" I found a set of clothes to wear for the day- something I wouldn't mind getting dirty, since we were going to be loading the sailboat up, and I put those on. 

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