Chapter 6- Hair of the Dog

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I woke up this morning to a killer headache. It almost hurt to open my eyes. Damn, how much did I drink last night? After Belly and Conrad left, me and Shells had some shots and tore up the dance floor. Her name is Michelle, but I call her Shells a lot, and she thinks it's cute. I liked That she likes dancing. We had been dating a few months and it had been going well, according to most people's standards. At least that's the way it seems. 

But....God, my head was killing me. How much did we drink last night? Honestly, I can't remember much of anything after Belly and Conrad left, because that's when I started taking shots. Stephen and Taylor joined in, and we were partying like old times.

They were celebrating, I was not. Not really. As much as I wanted to be okay, I wasn't. I smiled and waved for Belly's sake- not Conrad's. I really wonder how long this is going to last before he walks out on her again for one reason or another. As much as I want Belly to be happy, I know my asshole brother, and I know he's bound to fuck it up. That's when I'll be ready. Ready to help Belly pick up the pieces, like always. No. F**k it. I won't do it this time. I won't. She can pick up her own damn pieces, I'm tired of playing these games. I'm tired of being stuck in this damn triangle from hell, the Bermuda Triangle, as I call it.

"Morning, babe," Shells said sleepily, stretching.

"Morning" I said, matching her tone.

I was good at this. I was good at putting on a poker face. I smiled at her, trying to forget all the thoughts that were racing through my head a minute ago.

"How'd you sleep? I asked, continuing the charade. It was a never-ending charade with her. You know those people you don't need a social battery for? The ones you can take your mask off around them? Yeah, she wasn't one of them. She reminded me of my high school girlfriend, Mara, more than I had realized.

"Good. I slept like a rock after all those shots last night. How'd you sleep, babe?"

"I slept like I was beaten in the head with some rocks. My head is f**king killing me." I let out.

"I've got some Advil in my bag, babe. It's in the bathroom on the counter. Go take some. Go ahead and get it in your system. Then we can go to breakfast and order you a Bloody Mary."

"Hair of the Dog, aye?" I laughed, elbowing her in the ribs.

"Yep. Should fix you right up." she said, meaningfully.

I took a deep breath and let it all out. If only that was all it took.

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