Chapter 17- Burn

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I couldn't believe what I just heard. Belly just basically talked dirty to me. At first it sounded kind of foreign coming from her lips. She'd never been that kind of girl. She was always the sweet one, so yeah, it was a little weird at first. But I'm not complaining. The words were quickly evaporated by the heat between us, and I realized that it turned me on. A lot.

God, does she realize what she's doing to me? She's going to drive me insane. She was sitting on my lap facing me, one leg on each side of my thighs, and her arms wrapped around my neck. God. She had never been so hot before. This was on a whole new level. Her skin was burning holes in mine everywhere we touched. I could feel the heat radiating from her and it was sending me over the edge. I laid my forehead on her chest and I barely got the words out. "Belly... I don't think you know what you're doing to me." I said. "Show me, then." She whispered.

I picked Belly up now and gently laid her on the deck, where I proceeded to kiss every inch of her - until our bodies joined together as one again. And there, in the wide open darkness under the stars, we made love. The slow and sensual kind that starts out as an ember and with every stroke of the coals grows stronger and hotter until the flames engulf them.


Afterwards, we went down into the galley to find something to eat. We took the strawberries and champagne with us too. We had some things Laurel had packed for us from the wedding, which was a couple of days ago. Finger foods- those little ham and Swiss sandwiches with poppyseeds, meatballs, vegetables, fruits, and different cheeses. Laurel had packed the leftovers in ziploc bags and stuffed them in our small fridge in the galley. We sat at the small booth-like table in the cabin of the boat, scarfing down the food we didn't have time to enjoy at our wedding. Laurel even sent us with wedding cake. Each tier of the cake was different, so we had different flavors. Belly's favorite- Carrot cake, my favorite-German chocolate with bavarian cream filling, and vanilla, a safe choice for everyone else. We cut three slivers of cake and took turns sampling each flavor.

Belly scooped up some of the icing on her finger and smeared it on the tip of my nose. She was so cute I couldn't even be mad. So then I leaned over the table and wiped my nose on her cheeks, spreading the icing around, and we both laughed. I have loved every second of being with her since our wedding. It's been so nice just being able to relax with her, just us. No jobs or classes to worry about, no real responsibilities.

It was a much-needed break for us both. I was three years into med school, about to start my last year, and the workload was insane. Taking the summer off was the best choice for us though. We needed this. We needed this summer to establish our marriage. We had both been so busy. Belly with her new job managing a non-profit, and me with med school while also working a paid internship at a practice.

After we were done, we cleaned off each other's faces and then headed to the aft cabin, which was basically a cubby hole with a queen-sized bed stuffed inside from wall to wall. I went above deck to make sure everything was good with the sails and the anchor, since we were anchoring up for the night.

I came back down and while I was locking everything up Belly crawled in first, got under the covers, and not long after, swung her sun dress down on the floor. I followed suit and left my shorts on the floor, climbing in with her. I wasn't sure if anything was going to happen, honestly, I didn't think I had another round in me after this morning and tonight. But that didn't matter. I had figured out Belly liked sleeping like this- skin to skin. And I have to say that I liked it too. We'd always worn something to sleep in, but since we've been on our "honeymoon" at the beach house and here too, she's been sleeping like this. I looked over at Belly and ran my eyes over her again. "What? What is it?" She asked me, her voice pitched in high notes. I quickly lifted up the covers and appraised her skin. "I want to see my work...let me see." I said, laughing and peeking under the comforter and sheet. She had a few spots of deep purple-red on her skin. One on her neck, another on her collarbone, a third one on her stomach-close to her belly button, and a fourth one on the inside of her upper thigh. "Mission accomplished. I think it's safe to say you've had your first hickey. Haha." She rolled her eyes and laughed at me. "Yeah, you got a pass. Only because no one will see me for days. Don't think you can do that when we get back home... but... I did like it." She said with a sly smile cutting her eyes toward me. 

"Oh, you weren't the only one." I said sarcastically but meaning every damn word.

"Goodnight Conrad." She whispered, letting out a small giggle, while stroking the nape of my neck softly with her fingertips.

I could see her big, chocolate eyes glistening in the darkness, and they melted me inside. Always.

"Goodnight, Belly. I love you." I whispered back.

"I love you too."

I planted a heavy kiss on her lips, hesitant to remove them because I didn't want this day to end. But I could hear Belly's breathing become slow and steady. She was tired- I must have worn her out our first few hours of sailing- and... what happened after.

She kissed me back so lovingly, and then rolled over, curling up and tucking the comforter under her chin like she always did. I snuggled up close behind her and bent my body to mold around hers, wrapping my arms around her. We let the new sensation of the waves rock us to sleep, and the sounds of the ocean, our lullaby. 

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