Chapter 3- Surreal

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The rest of the reception went by in a blur. We didn't even eat, we were spending so much time visiting each table and talking to our guests. Of course, Jeremiah had to get everyone on the dance floor. It looked like his date enjoyed dancing and being the life of the party just as much as he did. They looked happy together.

Jeremiah had told Conrad that they had been dating for a few months. They looked happy and really looked like they belonged together. I hope he is happy. I really, really do.

Even though I know I made the choice that was right for me, I still have a soft spot in my heart for Jere. I did love him. But like my mom and Susannah used to say, "To Belly, Conrad is the sun, and when the sun comes out, the stars disappear". I love Jere, but I realized that I would never love anyone the same way that I burned for Conrad. Anyone. And for that, I was truly sorry, and I hoped Jere would find the love he deserved. He would make someone extremely happy. I knew he would.

The reception flowed as all do. We cut the cake, toasted,and did the garter and bouquet toss, which Stephen and Taylor dominated. Of course, Taylor had probably been practicing for weeks to pull that off.

Then we danced to a few more songs with everyone. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't relieved when it was time for us to go. It had been a really long day, we were tired, and just ready to be alone together. Mom had already packed a picnic basket for us in our car with to go plates inside, a bottle of champagne, strawberries, and orange and pineapple juice, presumably for mimosas, I guess?

Everyone lined up outside, and gave us a sparkler send off. We ran to the car as fast as we could and jumped in. "Finally, Conrad said. "Now I have you all to myself." He leaned over in his seat and kissed me. "Are you ready to go home?" asked Conrad. We had decided to stay here for a day or so in the summer house, rather than staying at the hotel where everyone else was staying. We figured we'd have more privacy and just feel more comfortable. We would spend a few days here, and then start our sailing trip for our honeymoon.

Just like before, it was a super short trip to the summer house. I kind of wish I had more time in the car with him, because I was getting nervous. I mean, I was a 23 year old college graduate who lived with her fiance. But I was still nervous,because your wedding night is like, a big deal. Little girls dream of their wedding day, and I'm sure for guys it's the wedding night they dream about. There just seems to be so much weight and expectation that comes with it.

For a brief moment, I thought about my first time. A lot of people don't get to say their first time was with someone that they loved, like really loved- but I did. My innocence was given to the first boy to ever buy me a gift, the first boy to stand up for me, and the first boy I ever loved.

It had been 5 months since he first kissed me, 4 months since he called me for the first time, 3 months since he showed up at my doorstep with Halloween candy, and 1 month since we spent Thanksgiving together.

During Conrad's Christmas break, one night around midnight I got a text from him that said he was coming to pick me up. He had driven all night to see me. I snuck out, and we drove down to the summer house, and it had snowed on the beach. After playing on the beach in the snow like two little kids ,we came inside and Conrad lit a fire in the living room. I made us hot chocolate from the cupboard; it was all I could find.

We sat down in front of the fireplace, soaking up the warmth radiating from the fireplace, when we kissed.

One thing led to another in front of the fireplace, happened. Neither one of us went there that night expecting it, but I'm glad it happened. I'm glad it was with Conrad. It was perfect. Everything about that night was magical. I shivered thinking about how romantic that night was. The way that Conrad looked at me- the way he was so gentle and concerned for me, the way his hands glided over me as soft as a feather-as if I could break any second. My lips and body tingled with the memory that happened what seems like a lifetime ago, but also just yesterday.

I tried to take a deep breath discreetly, hoping Conrad wouldn't hear. But he must have noticed, because he said "Belly... we don't have to do anything tonight. It's been a long day and... we're both tired."

"No... it's not that. I was just thinking about our first time. Do you remember?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Belly, I could never forget that night. It was the best night of my life, until now..." He trailed off and smiled, grabbing my hand, lacing his fingers through mine, and bringing my hand up to his lips, kissing my fingers.

By this time, we were pulling up to the summer house. Conrad wouldn't let me get out of the car. "Where do you think you're going? Stay right there Isabel Fisher." He said in his playful, sassy Conrad voice, enunciating every syllable in my name.

Oh my God. I have been waiting my whole life to hear my name next to his. "Isabel Fisher." It feels surreal. Then he got out of the car, sped around to my side, and swung open the door. He pulled me out, gave me a kiss, and then in true Conrad fashion, swung me over his shoulders like I was a sack of potatoes, so that my butt was in the air. Just like he did that one night on the beach when we had the house party and he was hauling my drunk ass out of the ocean.

We both laughed so hard as we made our way to the house. I am going to have to go back later and watch the doorbell cam footage of this. I'm sure it's priceless. We finally made it to the door. Conrad had his keys in one hand, while holding me on his shoulder with his other hand. His large hand was widely spread across my ass, which I'm sure he enjoyed. He unlocked the door, swung it open and stepped inside and across the threshold.

Conrad lowered me down slowly. The house was dark, and even through the darkness, I could see his eyes lock with mine. He looked at me for what seemed like forever, his eyes burning through me, and then he started to kiss me. He pressed his lips to mine firmly, moving his head in a scooping motion to part my lips. His hands were on me again, pulling me towards him. He kissed me deeply and passionately, with a need- like I was the air that he needed to survive. When I opened my eyes again I realized that the house wasn't completely dark. I turned around to see candles all over the place.

Taylor. It was then that I realized Taylor and Stephen had left the reception early to set things up for us. I bet Stephen loved that. I'm sure he was just going along with whatever Taylor was making him do. He's a fool for that girl.

After looking at them for a few seconds, I realized the candles were the flameless kind, and I saw a remote laying on the foyer table. I didn't even know they made candles with a remote. Weird, but perfectly fitting for a time like this. It's probably a really good idea that they didn't leave the beachouse unsupervised with tons of candles burning all over the place. There were also rose petals scattered on the floor that looked to lead upstairs. Even though Taylor can be SO extra sometimes, she really does know how to make a statement. 

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