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Taehyung had just finished his surgery, which had taken 12 hours. It was now 3 pm, and he was extremely exhausted. After cleaning up in his personal room at the hospital, he sat on the couch with his eyes closed, completely drained.

Lee Know, Taehyung's assistant in the surgery, also freshened up in his personal cabin at the hospital. He came to Taehyung's room and started preparing tea and coffee for both of them.

Lee Know: "Here, hyung, your tea! You must be exhausted."
Taehyung: "Thank you, Minho (Lee Know's real name). You were performing the surgery with me; you must be equally exhausted, yet you prepared tea for me. Thank you so much."

Lee Know just shrugged it off and drank his coffee.

Lee Know: "Can we go for lunch? I'm extremely hungry."

Taehyung: "Sure, as you performed really well in the surgery, hyung will treat you."

Lee Know rolled his eyes and said, "You always baby me when you have two naughty kids at home."

Taehyung: "You know you are one of them."

They were having their lunch peacefully in the hospital canteen when Taehyung received a call.

Caller: "Hello, is this Mr. Taehyung, guardian of Yeonjun and Hyunjin?"

Taehyung: "Yes, who is this?"

Caller: "We are calling from Seoul National University. The principal requires your presence here."

Taehyung was shocked and panicked. "What happened? Is everything okay?"

Lee Know was equally confused about what had happened.

Caller: "The principal requires your presence to discuss both of them. Please come; it's urgent."

Taehyung: "Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Lee Know: "Is everything okay, hyung?"

Taehyung: "No, I was called from SNU. They need me there. I will go now."

Lee Know: "Hyung, I'll also come with you. Our shifts are over, right?"

Taehyung: "Thank you Minho yah."

Meanwhile, in Cyra (Jeon's headquarters), everyone was busy. The headquarters is a 45-story building where CEO Jeon has the 45th floor entirely to himself.

Jungkook was working with his glasses on, concentrating on designing the latest car to be launched this summer, which is in 5 months. He works very hard on his projects and always designs his cars himself. He had been working on his design for more than 7 hours and had forgotten to have his breakfast and lunch.

Han Jisung, his personal assistant, has his own cabin outside the CEO's office. Only he and Jisung occupy the entire 45th floor, and without Jisung's permission, no one can enter the floor except the CEO and his family. Jisung was currently working on next week's schedule but was also worried about his Hyung since he had not eaten since morning. However, he was nervous about disturbing him during his design time, knowing he would get an earful if he did. Currently, he had an iced americano on his desk for Jungkook (contemplating how to give it to jungkook) and was working on the schedule.

Suddenly, he received a call.

Caller: "Is this Mr. Jeon Jungkook, guardian of Soobin and Felix?"

Jisung: "This is Jeon Jungkook's office. Who is this? and What message do you want to convey to him?"

Caller: "We are from SNU. The principal requires Mr. Jeon Jungkook's presence here, and it's urgent."

Jisung: "Has something happened? Is his presence required now?"

Caller: "Yes, his presence is required now, and it's quite urgent. We can discuss everything here."

Jisung: "Okay, we will be there."

Jisung knocked on Jungkook's door and heard a "come in."

He went inside, and Jungkook spoke, "Jisung-ah, I told you not to disturb me during my design time."

Jisung spoke very quickly, "Sorry, hyung. I know, but we got a call from SNU, and your presence is needed there."

Jungkook frowned and got up immediately, asking, "Why? What happened?"

Jisung: "I don't know. I asked them, but they replied that they could discuss everything there."

Jungkook: "Okay, let's go. They better not be kidding me for some silly things."

Jisung knew Jungkook was angry, so he requested to accompany him. While going out, Jisung gave Jungkook his iced americano, praying his Hyung would cool down.

Love's Embrace - TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now