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Jungkook's office was a hub of activity when he called Han to bring Taehyun to his office.

As Taehyun arrived, Jungkook, looking visibly stressed, inquired about his work. "Everything is going well, Hyung? What's the matter? You look stressed," Taehyun asked, noticing Jungkook's demeanor.

Jungkook then explained the situation concerning Felix, which left Taehyun shocked and ready to take action against whoever dared to harm Felix. "Calm down, Taehyun," Jungkook said, trying to pacify his assistant. "We need to wait for Felix's answer.

Until then, I want you to accompany him for a week. He'll be in the hospital for a day and home for the rest of the days. Be there with him, work remotely, and after 10 at night, I'll take over."

Taehyun reassured Jungkook, "Hyung, I will take care of him the whole day too. Don't worry." "It's okay, Taehyun ah," Jungkook replied with a sad smile.

[New character introduction: Kang Taehyun, an assistant secretary in Jungkook's office, was a poor orphan boy with a bright mind whom Jungkook found at a charity event. Jungkook supported Taehyun, providing him with a place to stay and helping him complete his studies. Grateful for the life Jungkook has made possible for him, Taehyun is smart, quiet, and shares a close bond with the Jeon family and Han. He loves to work out with Jungkook and is his boxing partner.]

As Taehyun prepared to accompany Felix, his loyalty to Jungkook and his determination to protect Felix were unwavering

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As Taehyun prepared to accompany Felix, his loyalty to Jungkook and his determination to protect Felix were unwavering.

As Jungkook left the hospital room, Felix felt a wave of emotions crashing over him. Without hesitation, he found himself seeking solace in Taehyung's comforting embrace, despite not knowing much about the kind doctor.
Taehyung, sensing Felix's distress, wrapped his arms around him and whispered calming words, like a guardian angel easing his pain.

Meanwhile, Taehyung decided to call Soobin alone, understanding the weight of the situation. Soobin, who was feeling a mix of anger and sadness at not being able to protect Felix, listened intently as Taehyung explained the events. Tears welled up in Soobin's eyes, and without a word, he buried his face in Taehyung's shoulder, seeking comfort in his warmth. Taehyung's reassuring hug spoke volumes, silently conveying that it wasn't Soobin's fault.

Observing from afar, Yeonjun noticed how Taehyung's presence seemed to have a calming effect on Felix. Yeonjun's goofy antics were in full swing, and he was doing everything he could to make Felix laugh.

Soobin, on the other hand, had a fond smile on his face, resembling a bunny that had found its safe haven.

Moved by the scene before him, Taehyung decided to join Yeonjun and Felix, wanting to lighten the mood. "Hi, Felix," he began, "I'm Kim Taehyung, Yeonjun and Hyunjin's cousin. I'm a doctor here at Seoul National Hospital." Felix, touched by Taehyung's introduction, greeted him warmly. "You are a literal angel,"

Felix exclaimed, "and Hyunjin, I'm a big fan of your art." Hyunjin, who had been silent until then, was suddenly brought back to reality by Taehyung's words.

He was taken aback and didn't know how to respond. Sensing Hyunjin's unease, Taehyung nudged him playfully. "Hyunjin, a thank you would be great," he teased, before turning to Felix and apologizing for Hyunjin's momentary lapse.

Felix, with a smile, replied, "No problem, Hyung. He is cute." Hyunjin, flustered by his own words, tried to regain his composure but ended up blurting out, "No, I am not. You are the cutest." Realizing what he had said, he turned beet red, embarrassed by his own boldness.

As these interactions unfolded, Soobin took Yeonjun aside and apologized for his overprotectiveness, explaining that his actions were driven by a fear of losing Felix.

Yeonjun, understanding Soobin's feelings, reassured him. "Hey, it's okay," Yeonjun said softly, "I got it. Don't worry, we will find and save Felix from this bullying." With a sad smile, he added, "I have already failed once, I can't fail twice."

Soobin, surprised by Yeonjun's immediate forgiveness, couldn't help but smile through his tears. Extending his hand for a handshake, he asked, "So, friends?" Yeonjun, seeing the tear stains on Soobin's cheeks, pulled him into a warm hug, melting Soobin's heart. Chuckling softly, Soobin felt a sense of relief knowing that he wasn't alone in this fight to protect his brother.

Amidst the emotional moments, Beomgyu, Taehyung's assistant nurse, rushed past them into Felix's room. Taehyung, realizing it was time for his consultation, assured Felix of his return and left with Beomgyu.

[New character introduction: Choi Beomgyu, a Daegu native, completed his nursing studies with a dream of becoming Taehyung's assistant. Inspired by Taehyung from his school days, Beomgyu joined Seoul National Hospital, where he trained hard for a year to be by Taehyung's side. Beomgyu is known for his talkative nature, goofball antics, and a heart as kind as they come. He brightens up the Cardio department with his cheerful demeanor, earning him the title of the 'happy pill' for everyone. Beomgyu stays in the hospital dormitory with Lee Know, his closest friend like brother.]

Before they left, Beomgyu winked at Yeonjun and Soobin, playfully teasing them as he said goodbye to the "love birds," leaving a flustered Soobin and a frustrated Yeonjun in his wake

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Before they left, Beomgyu winked at Yeonjun and Soobin, playfully teasing them as he said goodbye to the "love birds," leaving a flustered Soobin and a frustrated Yeonjun in his wake.

Hyunjin, wanting to distract Felix from his troubles, offered to get food for everyone. Felix, despite his hunger, knew he couldn't have chicken in his condition. "Can you get me oats porridge with kiwi toppings?" he asked. Hyunjin nodded, smiling warmly, and headed out to fulfill their orders, leaving Yeonjun and Soobin to care for Felix, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

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