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As the group gathered around the dining table, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared memories.

Yoongi, Jin, and Jungkook were in the kitchen, preparing a feast fit for kings.

Jin: "Yoongi, Jungkook, how did you guys learn to cook so well?"

Jungkook: "Well, I've been living alone since my college days, and I started cooking to replicate the dishes I loved eating out. It just grew from there, Hyung!"

Yoongi: "I was a rapper back in my teenage years, and living in dorms forced me to learn to cook. Now, I cook with all my heart, especially for my little mochi here."

Jin: "That's wonderful to hear! Cooking is my passion too. It seems like the three of us have a lot in common."

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jimin were busy setting the table and arranging the dining area, ensuring everything looked perfect for the feast.

Namjoon and Hobi had gone to the grocery store to pick up drinks, with Jin teasing Namjoon about his legendary clumsiness.

When Namjoon and Hobi returned with the drinks, Jin immediately noticed the precarious way Namjoon was carrying the box of juices and called out to him to be careful. He then turned to Hobi and asked him to take over, jokingly referring to Namjoon as the "god of destruction," which elicited a round of laughter from everyone.

As they all sat down to eat, the atmosphere was filled with happiness and contentment.

Jimin, however, couldn't help but express his longing for more moments like this if Jin and Namjoon were in Seoul.

That's when Namjoon and Jin shared their surprise announcement.

They revealed that Namjoon had started a branch of his business in Seoul, and Jin would be joining Taehyung and Jimin's hospital after a month.

The news was met with joy and excitement, but Taehyung couldn't hide his sadness at the sudden revelation. His brothers reassured him that they had planned to tell him soon, and they all agreed to help Jin and Namjoon with their move.

As they finished their meal and cleaned up, Jungkook's phone rang. It was Soobin, and he sounded distressed.

As the phone call from Soobin unfolded, the tension in the room became palpable.

Jungkook's voice was firm but laced with worry as he spoke to Soobin.

Jungkook: "Soobin, stop crying and tell me where you are. We're coming to get you."

Soobin's voice was shaky as he tried to explain through his tears.

Soobin: "We're at Moonstruck club, but we can't find Felix or Hyunjin. We're really scared, Jungkook hyung."

Jungkook's jaw clenched in frustration, but he quickly composed himself.

Soobin explained that he, Yeonjun, Felix and Hyunjin had gone to a club, but Felix and Hyunjin were missing. Felix's phone was off, and Hyunjin wasn't answering.

Jungkook's expression hardened with concern and anger as he demanded to know their location.

Taehyung, feeling a sense of foreboding,

Jungkook: "Stay where you are. We're on our way."

Taehyung, sensing Jungkook's anxiety, placed a comforting hand on his arm.

Taehyung: "We'll find them, Jungkook. Let's go."

Yoongi, who had been listening in, looked worried as he spoke up.

Yoongi: what if something happened to them? We need to hurry.

Jungkook nodded, his mind already racing with thoughts of what could have happened to Felix and Hyunjin. He quickly gathered his things, ready to head out.

Jungkook: "Let's go. We need to find them."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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