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After wrapping up all the consultations, Taehyung still had a few more reports to check. He asked Beomgyu to check on Felix's condition, knowing it might cause an hour's delay.

He also requested Beomgyu to ensure everyone had dinner, and if not, to buy dinner for all of them. Beomgyu didn't hesitate and went to check on Felix and everyone else. As Beomgyu hurried past everyone, he entered the lift.

Just as the doors were about to close, a young man rushed in, signaling he was in a hurry. Beomgyu noticed the man's rushed demeanor and offered him a water bottle he had in his hand.

Meanwhile, Taehyun, upon hearing about Felix from Jungkook, rushed from the office to join them. He too entered the lift just before it closed.

Seeing someone had offered water to the young man, Taehyun thanked the person, drank the water, and then offered it back. "You must be pretty thirsty, huh?" Beomgyu remarked.

As Taehyun glanced at the young man who had offered him the water bottle, he was struck by his appearance. Beomgyu seemed to glow with an inner light, his features delicate yet striking.

Taehyun couldn't help but notice Beomgyu's long, fluttering lashes, his pale, flawless skin, and his softly parted lips. Even in a simple nurse uniform, Beomgyu looked like a character straight out of an anime, a literal angel standing before him. Caught off guard by this sudden wave of attraction, Taehyun felt a warmth spread through him. He had never believed in love at first sight, but in that moment, looking at Beomgyu, he couldn't deny the flutter of his heart or the sudden shyness that overcame him.

Beomgyu, sensing Taehyun's gaze, lightly chuckled and remarked, "You're staring." Taehyun quickly cleared his throat, breaking free from his trance, and stammered out an apology before turning away, feeling a blush creeping up his neck. "It's okay," Beomgyu reassured him with a smile.

"Which floor?" Taehyun, still flustered, murmured the VIP ward, to which Beomgyu replied, "Oh, I'm headed there too. Accompany me?" As they rode the lift together, Taehyun couldn't help but steal glances at Beomgyu.

He noticed the way Beomgyu's hair fell gracefully over his shoulders, the way his uniform hugged his frame just right, accentuating his lean muscles.
Taehyun felt a pang of longing, a desire to get to know this captivating stranger better.

Meanwhile, Beomgyu, though aware of Taehyun's lingering gazes, was focused on the moment. When they reached their destination, Beomgyu's mischievous side emerged as he playfully brushed past Taehyun, leading the way. "Follow me," he said with a smile, and Taehyun couldn't help but be drawn to his infectious energy.

"What's your patient's name?" Beomgyu asked. Taehyun replied, "Felix, Lee Felix." Beomgyu then revealed that he was also going to check up on Felix, as he was someone close to his boss.
Confused, Taehyun asked who could be someone close to them. They reached Felix's room, where Felix was enjoying oats porridge with Hyunjin, Yeonjun, and Soobin.

Upon seeing Taehyun, Felix cheered, and Taehyun responded in kind, surprising Beomgyu, who had never seen this side of Taehyun before. Yeonjun, noticing Beomgyu, asked why he was there.

Beomgyu explained that he had come to check on Felix and see if they had dinner.

He then received a call from Innie, the official nurse assistant, who was unable to come due to food poisoning. Beomgyu assured Innie that he would take care of Felix's IV drip and, after consulting with Felix's doctor, proceeded to change it.

As Beomgyu changed the IV drip, Taehyun worriedly asked if it would hurt.

Beomgyu, finding Taehyun's concern cute, reassured him and distracted Felix by asking him to talk about Taehyun.

Felix praised Taehyun, calling him strong and smart, and revealed that Taehyun was like a brother to him. This unexpected compliment left Taehyun flustered.

Felix, noticing Taehyun's new shyness, changed the subject by complimenting Beomgyu's long hair. He shared his own desire to grow his hair long but Felix's smile faltered slightly as he remembered the painful incident from his past.

He hesitated, unsure if he should share it, but the supportive atmosphere in the room encouraged him to open up. "I... I used to have long hair," Felix began, his voice slightly shaky. "I wanted to grow it out like Beomgyu, but when I did, I was bullied. They pulled my hair, called me names... It hurt a lot."

The room fell silent, the weight of Felix's words hanging in the air. Beomgyu, who had been teasingly bantering with Yeonjun, grew serious, his eyes filled with empathy. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Felix," Beomgyu said softly. "No one deserves to be treated that way. It takes courage to be yourself, especially when others try to bring you down."

Hyunjin, who had been listening intently, spoke up, "Being different is what makes us unique. Don't let anyone dull your shine."
Felix smiled, feeling a warmth in his heart. Despite the painful memories, he knew he had found a supportive group of friends who accepted him for who he was. And as he looked around the room, he knew that he was not alone.

Beomgyu, encouraging Felix to embrace his confidence, shared his own experience of growing his hair long. His words uplifted the room's mood, and Felix smiled brightly.

Beomgyu delivered his uplifting speech about confidence and self-love, Taehyun found himself hanging onto every word. Beomgyu's words resonated deeply with him, touching a chord in his heart.

He admired Beomgyu's strength and positivity, feeling a sense of connection that went beyond mere attraction. In that moment, Taehyun realized that his encounter with Beomgyu was more than just a chance meeting.

It was a spark, a feeling of destiny pulling them together. And as he listened to Beomgyu's empowering words, he knew that this meeting was just the beginning of something beautiful.

Hyunjin added that Felix would look beautiful with long hair, leaving Felix blushing.

Love's Embrace - TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now