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Taehyung couldn't help but overhear the conversation between Hyunjin and Felix in the living room, and his heart ached for Felix, who had silently endured so much.

Determined to bring comfort, Taehyung brewed some hot chocolate for them both, offering it with a warm smile before quietly retreating to his bedroom.

As he changed into his pajamas, the day's events replayed in his mind, stirring a mix of emotions within him. Settling onto his bed with a soothing cup of chamomile tea, Taehyung's thoughts drifted to Jungkook.

His phone rang, and it was Jungkook on the line, his concern palpable. "Tae, how is Felix? Is he okay?" Jungkook's voice was filled with worry. "Jungkook, he is fine now, don't worry," Taehyung reassured him. Jungkook's voice cracked, "I am sorry, Tae. I didn't know about this for so long. We were so oblivious, and I failed as a brother."

Placing a comforting hand on his heart, Taehyung replied softly, "No, Jungkook, it's not your fault. Felix didn't tell you because he was afraid it might disrupt the family dynamic, that's all."

Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as he whispered, "But he's an angel, Tae. He endured all this in silence. I'll make sure Daewon pays for what he did." Trying to calm Jungkook down,

Taehyung said, "Jungkook, this is exactly why Felix didn't tell you. He knew you'd react like this. But let's handle this sensibly. We've given Daewon a clear warning, and if he dares to touch Felix again, he'll face the consequences."

Jungkook, still emotional, apologized, and Taehyung forgave him, urging him to get some rest and be a good boy.

Jungkook teased, "You're calling a 32-year-old man a boy?" With a chuckle, Taehyung replied, "But you do act like one."

Jungkook changed the subject, complimenting Taehyung, "You looked cute today." Blushing, Taehyung cleared his throat, "You looked handsome too." Jungkook smiled, "Thank you." Tae said "Okay, now sleep. I have a surgery tomorrow."

Jungkook offered to pick Taehyung up from the hospital the next evening, and Taehyung agreed, touched by the gesture. As they bid each other goodnight, Jungkook playfully teased, "Are you sure you want to sleep?" Flustered, Taehyung stammered, "Jungkook! I—" Jungkook interrupted, "Okay, okay, baby, bye."

With a mix of embarrassment and affection, Taehyung ended the call, feeling grateful for Jungkook's support and love.

Before settling in for the night, Taehyung made sure everyone in the house was peacefully asleep. He gave gentle forehead kisses to Felix, Yeonjun and Hyunjin, feeling a surge of love for his cousins and brother in law.

Seeing Yeonjun, Hyunjin, and Felix snuggled together in peaceful slumber filled Taehyung's heart with warmth and joy.

Overwhelmed by the cuteness, Taehyung decided to create a family group chat. He added Hyunjin, Yeonjun, Soobin, and Felix, considering them his own brothers.

He also added Han, Taehyun, Lee Know, and Beomgyu, feeling they were part of his extended family. Of course, he didn't forget to add his beloved fiancé, Jungkook.

With a smile, he snapped a picture of the sleeping trio and posted it in the group, feeling grateful for his loving family.

The next morning, Taehyung woke up early, his heart still full of love for his family. He sent a cheerful "good morning" message to the group before starting to prepare breakfast for everyone.

He lovingly made fresh fruit salad, French toast, and milk for the young adults in the house.

As Felix woke up and entered the kitchen, he was struck by how much Taehyung reminded him of his birth mother, who used to cook in an apron with music just like Taehyung.

Felix couldn't help but hug Taehyung from behind, feeling a deep sense of comfort and love. Taehyung, recognizing Felix's touch, gently turned around and said, "Good morning lixy, I've kept everything you need in the bathroom, go freshen up, and we'll have breakfast together."

Excited, Felix quickly freshened up and joined Taehyung at the table. Taehyung had set a beautiful breakfast spread and couldn't help but capture the moment with a picture for the group chat.

Felix was amazed by the spread and couldn't contain his joy as they sat down to eat. During breakfast, Felix and Taehyung chatted about their plans for the day and reminisced about their childhood memories.
Felix expressed his gratitude for having Taehyung in his life, and Taehyung assured him that he would always be there for him, no matter what.

After eating, Taehyung started to clear the table, but Felix insisted on washing the dishes. Taehyung smiled at Felix's eagerness and let him take care of the dishes, feeling grateful for such a caring brother in law.

Taehyung waited for Lee Know to pick him up for work, as Jungkook had promised to pick him up from work later that night.
Before leaving, Taehyung showed Felix the TV and PlayStation, encouraging him to make himself at home.

As Lee Know arrived, they both left for work, leaving Felix to enjoy the comforts of home until Yeonjun and Hyunjin woke up.

Meanwhile, Jungkook woke up and checked the family group chat, delighted to see that Felix had slept peacefully after the previous night's events. He messaged Felix privately, suggesting they go on a brotherly lunch date.

He then commented on Taehyung's breakfast spread picture, playfully asking if Taehyung would make him breakfast like that in the future.
Taehyung's blushing response and a "yes" emoji made Jungkook's heart swell with love and happiness.

In the group chat, Beomgyu,  teased, "Looks like Tae is becoming quite the chef! Can we expect a cooking show next?"

Taehyun,  joined in, "I don't know, gyu. I heard Jungkook is the real chef in their relationship. Maybe he should teach Tae a thing or two."

Jungkook chuckled at the teasing, replying, "Hey, I'm not that great! But Tae does make a mean breakfast. Maybe I'll have to step up my game."

Taehyung laughed along, enjoying the playful banter. He replied, "Don't worry, Jungkook. You're still the best chef in my heart. But maybe you can give me a few tips sometime!"

The teasing continued, adding a sense of fun and laughter to the group chat as everyone started their day with a smile.

Love's Embrace - TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now