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Meanwhile, in the hospital room, there were two sofas, a three-seater and a two-seater, indicating that it was a VIP ward.

Minho gestured for Han to sit on the two-seater, who with tears welling up in his eyes, stood in the corner of the room. Minho, without touching Han, grabbed a piece of his suit cloth and glanced at him. "I didn't touch you, don't act like that," Minho said defensively.

"I have eyes too. If I wanted, I would have sat on the sofa," Han replied.

"Will you and your boss always misunderstand the people who help you? Judge everything by its cover?" Minho questioned, shaking his head.

"Don't you dare speak ill of him. He has anger issues, but that doesn't mean he is wrong all the time. And you just keep your mouth shut before I shut it," Han retorted, his voice sharp.

"How? With your lips?" Minho teased, amused.

Han blushed furiously. "No! With my hands, dumbass!"

Minho laughed and then noticed someone entering the room. He stood up and went to greet the person. "Hey Chan hyung! I heard you are taking up Felix's case!"

"Hey Minho, how are you?" Bang Chan asked, moving to hug Minho, who dodged the embrace. "Yes, I am handling Felix's case," Chan confirmed. "I am fine, hyung! Okay, I hope you know what the issue is," Minho replied.

"Yeah, I got to know about it from the principal. Let Taehyung hyung come; let's discuss," Chan suggested. "Yeah, he will be here in a few minutes," Minho said.

Soon, Taehyung entered the room and saw Bang Chan. He went to hug him, but before he could, Jungkook interrupted. "Enough of your talks," Jungkook said, slightly pushing Taehyung aside. "Hello, Doctor, this is Jeon Jungkook, Felix's brother. How is my brother?"

"Yes, Mr. Jeon, he is alright. But I'll speak to both of you separately," Chan replied, gesturing for Jungkook and Taehyung to follow him into another room.

Confused, Jungkook followed Chan, while Taehyung silently trailed behind. Once they were seated, Chan got straight to the point. "To be clear, Felix is okay now. He fainted due to a sudden shock from the fall, but he has faint bruises on his stomach, indicating he has been bullied for the past few days," Chan explained. "what?" Jungkook interrupted, his voice tense.

"I don't know who did it. I'm not here to judge anyone. But mentally, he needs more people around him," Chan continued.

"He needs friends or someone to share everything with. You both can't always be with him."

"He has me and his brother. We are caring and affectionate," Jungkook insisted. "No, like friends or someone his age," Chan clarified. "It's just my personal advice. Hyung, you know it better than anyone," Chan said, addressing Taehyung. Tae listened silently, nodding in understanding.

"Felix will be discharged in a day; you both can leave," Chan concluded.

After leaving Chan's room, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him aside. "I definitely know your brothers have done something to him," Jungkook accused.

"They wouldn't do it, I know," Taehyung defended.

"How would you know? You are just saving them from their wrongdoings," Jungkook argued.

"How could you accuse someone without even knowing them?" Taehyung shot back. Ignoring Taehyung's question, Jungkook continued, "They made him fall. He is our precious angel who doesn't harm anyone. They are the bullies, rich kids who spend all their money and taunt innocent ones."

Taehyung stopped Jungkook with a shaky voice and teary eyes. "You don't know anything about them. Hyunjin was accused as a bully at his old school and was expelled without being heard. It was very difficult for us to make him normal or make him speak. I helped him come out of that and asked them to study here. They know the importance of not bullying anyone or how it hurts when someone falsely accuses them."

Jungkook stared at the crying doctor, feeling a pang of guilt. "Look, I'm sorry. But watching my brother get bullied isn't easy for me either," he admitted.

Taehyung nodded. "Let us speak to Felix, and then we will decide. But let me remind you, I hate when people judge others without knowing the full story," Taehyung said firmly.

Feeling remorseful, Jungkook still hadn't found out who bullied his brother. With that, they both left.

Love's Embrace - TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now