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Lee Know was driving Tae's car, and they were heading to SNU.

They parked the car and headed to the Principal's office.

They entered the Principal's office and were asked by the admin, Mia, to be seated in the front office as the principal was not in his office and would be back soon.

Lee Know and Taehyung were sitting on the two single-seater couches. Taehyung asked Mia about his brothers, to which she replied that they would also come to with the principal soon.

Taehyung was anxious and equally exhausted. They had even left lunch in a hurry to reach here. He closed his eyes and sat there.

Meanwhile, Jungkook asked his driver not to come, and he drove his car. He drove very fast, and Jisung was praying for his life.

They parked the car and went straight to the principal's room.

Jisung asked Mia about the principal; she replied he would be back soon and asked them to be seated.

They were seated opposite Taehyung and Lee Know. Soon, when she recognized Jungkook, she was extremely shocked to know that this was the man behind Cyra Automobiles and he was as handsome as the devil.

She squeaked, which startled Taehyung and made him look at who was sitting opposite them. Jungkook was sitting there in his black shirt with the top two buttons open, beige pants, his specs, and Rolex watch. Taehyung frowned, wondering why this CEO was here with his assistant, but he ignored it.

Lee Know was looking at Jisung, who was dressed in a suit with his cute round glasses and his iPad in his hand, working on something. His hair was fluffy. When Jisung realized someone was looking at him, he looked up and saw Lee Know, who was handsome. Jisung realized he was staring and when Lee Know smirked, he lowered his gaze, his cheeks pink.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was looking at the man seated opposite him, extremely gorgeous and calm with his eyes closed. When their eyes met, Jungkook's breath hitched, but he continued to maintain his stoic expression. When Taehyung closed his eyes again, Jungkook took his time to admire his beauty. A beauty in a pink formal shirt and brown pants, extremely gorgeous like an anime character.

When he came out of the trance and realized the situation, his anger kicked in. He asked Mia why they were called urgently and why they had been waiting for more than 15 minutes. He was angry because he was internally panicked for their brothers, but here in this university, they were making him wait.

That's when the principal came in. "Mr. Jeon, sorry for the delay. We were at emergency medical care at Seoul National Hospital, which is why we are late."

Before anyone could react, a panicked Taehyung shot up from the chair and asked what happened.

The principal replied that while they were performing a dance in practice between Yeonjun and Felix, Yeonjun dropped Felix, and he broke his arm and fainted.

Soobin rushed there and was extremely angry at Yeonjun, beating him. Hyunjin tried to defend Yeonjun and got caught in the fight as well. They are all at Seoul National Hospital and being treated.

Jungkook was extremely angry upon hearing this and lashed out at Taehyung, "Can't your brothers be responsible and careful? Have you not taught them enough? If something happens to my brother, I won't leave you and your brothers."

Taehyung was shocked and spoke calmly, "Maybe it was an accident. Please don't react that way. I know Yeonjun is a responsible kid, and I have taught them well. You don't have to advise me about it."

Before Jungkook could react, the principal called them to take them all to the hospital, and they all went in their respective cars.

Once they reached Felix's room, they saw Felix was still asleep due to painkillers, with Soobin, Yeonjun, and Hyunjin, all teary-eyed and bruised stanging in the side.

Yeonjun was the first to notice everyone's arrival and called out, "Hyung!"

Love's Embrace - TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now