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Everyone returned to Seoul on the same day as the engagement, the air thick with excitement and anticipation.

The next evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon graciously invited Taehyung for dinner at their grand mansion in Seoul, along with his cousins Hyunjin and Yeonjun.

Jungkook arrived with his brothers, Soobin and Felix, adding to the lively atmosphere in his parents' lavish home. Jungkook's cousins were also present, their eyes cold and distant towards Taehyung, their jealousy palpable.

Despite this, Jungkook's parents and brothers showered Taehyung with affection, oblivious to the tension.

As the evening progressed, the group gathered on the plush sofas to discuss wedding plans. Taehyung noticed that Felix and another cousin, Daewon, were missing.

Excusing himself from the conversation, Taehyung went to investigate. In a nearby room, he discovered Felix being assaulted by Daewon. Taehyung's blood boiled with anger, but Felix, in tears, begged him not to retaliate.

Suppressing his rage, Taehyung comforted Felix, his heart breaking at the sight of his cousin's pain. Daewon emerged from the room, a smirk playing on his lips, and rejoined the group as if nothing had happened.

Taehyung's mind raced with conflicting emotions as he held Felix close. "Are you being bullied by your own cousins?" he asked softly, his voice filled with sorrow and disbelief.

The realization of Felix's suffering at the hands of his own family pierced Taehyung's heart, leaving him determined to protect Felix at all costs.

As Taehyung held Felix in his arms, he felt a surge of anger and sadness. How could Felix be treated like this by his own family? Felix sobbed quietly, his body trembling from the pain and humiliation.

Taehyung gently pulled away and looked into Felix's eyes. "Felix, why didn't you tell anyone about this? This is not right, you shouldn't have to endure this." Felix wiped his tears and looked down, ashamed. "I... I didn't want to cause any trouble. They're my family, I didn't want to make things worse."

Taehyung's heart ached for Felix. He knew he had to do something, to stand up for Felix and make sure this never happened again.

He helped Felix up and together they walked back to the living room.

As they entered the room, everyone turned to look at them. Taehyung's gaze fell on Daewon, who was sitting there with a smug expression.

Without saying a word, Taehyung walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him up from his seat. "You think you can bully your own cousin and get away with it?" Taehyung's voice was low and dangerous. "You're a disgrace to this family."

Daewon tried to struggle free, but Taehyung's grip was firm. Jungkook's parents and brothers were shocked, never having seen this side of Taehyung before.

Jungkook himself was taken aback, unsure of what to do. Taehyung turned to Jungkook's parents. "I'm sorry, but I can't stand by and watch this happen. Felix is like a brother to me, and I won't let anyone hurt him." J

ungkook's father stepped forward, placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "Thank you, Taehyung. We will handle this situation. Please, let us take care of it."

Taehyung nodded, releasing Daewon. He turned to Felix, who was still shaken but grateful. "I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner, Felix. I promise, I'll always be here for you."

Felix smiled weakly, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Taehyung. You're the best brother in law anyone could ask for."

As the evening came to a close, Taehyung realized that family was not just about blood, but about love and loyalty. And he was determined to protect his family, no matter what.

After Taehyung confronted Daewon and stood up for Felix, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Jungkook's parents were shocked by Taehyung's sudden outburst, but they understood the gravity of the situation.

As Daewon tried to regain his composure, Jungkook and Soobin exchanged a glance filled with concern and anger.

Jungkook's usually calm demeanor cracked, and his eyes blazed with fury. He stepped forward, his voice cold and sharp. "Daewon, how dare you lay a hand on Felix? He is family, and you have no right to treat him like this."

Soobin, usually reserved and shy, stood beside Jungkook, his expression steely. "You should be ashamed of yourself, Daewon. Bullying your own cousin is despicable. You're not welcome in this family if you continue this behavior."

Daewon, realizing the severity of the situation, tried to apologize, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Jungkook's parents, seeing their sons' anger, intervened. "Daewon, what you did is unacceptable. You will apologize to Felix and Taehyung, and we will discuss your actions further." With a heavy heart, Daewon apologized to Felix, who accepted it with grace.

Taehyung, though still angry, knew that forgiveness was important for healing.

As the tension eased, Taehyung and Felix left the mansion, grateful for each other's support (Taehyung doesnt want Felix to stay here).

Jungkook and Soobin stayed behind, their hearts heavy with the realization that even family could betray and hurt each other.

They vowed to protect Felix and Taehyung, no matter the cost. And as they looked out at the city skyline, they knew that their bond as brothers was stronger than ever.

In Taehyung's penthouse, Hyunjin found Felix sitting alone in the living room, looking lost in his thoughts.
Hyunjin hesitated for a moment, then approached Felix with a gentle smile. "Felix, can I sit with you?" Hyunjin asked softly.

Felix looked up, surprised by Hyunjin's presence but nodded, welcoming the company. Hyunjin sat beside him, giving him a comforting pat on the back. "I saw what happened with Daewon," Hyunjin began, his tone filled with empathy. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially by family."

Felix sighed, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "It's okay, Hyunjin. I'm used to it. I just wish things were different." Hyunjin shook his head, placing a hand on Felix's shoulder. "No one should ever get used to being treated poorly. You deserve so much better, Felix."

Felix smiled weakly, appreciating Hyunjin's words. "Thank you, Hyunjin. It means a lot to me."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the situation hanging heavy in the air. Then, Felix spoke up, his voice filled with admiration.
"You know, despite everything, I'm proud to have Taehyung hyung as my brother-in-law," Felix said, his eyes shining with sincerity. "He stood up for me.He's truly an amazing person." Hyunjin nodded, a soft smile on his face. "Taehyung hyung is a great guy. He cares deeply for his family and friends. You're lucky to have him."

As Hyunjin sat beside Felix, he could see the pain and turmoil in his eyes. "Felix, why didn't you tell Jungkook or Soobin about this?" Hyunjin asked softly.

Felix looked down, his hands trembling slightly. "They're great brothers, Hyunjin. I know they would stand up for me, but... but revealing this would only tear the family apart. Daewon is their cousin too, and I couldn't bear to see them caught in the middle of this."

Hyunjin felt a pang of sadness for Felix. He knew how much Felix admired Taehyung and respected Jungkook and Soobin. "You shouldn't have to endure this alone, Felix. We're family, we should stick together."

Felix nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. "I know, Hyunjin. But I didn't want to burden anyone with this. I'm proud to have Taehyung as my brother-in-law. He's shown me more love and support than anyone else."

Hyunjin placed a comforting hand on Felix's shoulder. "You're not a burden, Felix. We're here for you, always." Felix smiled weakly, grateful for Hyunjin's support. "Thank you, Hyunjin. You're a true friend."

As they continued to talk, Hyunjin and Felix found solace in each other's company, sharing their thoughts and feelings. Despite the challenges they faced, they knew that they could rely on each other for support.

And as the evening drew to a close, they felt a sense of hope that things would eventually get better.

Love's Embrace - TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now