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Yeonjun was teary-eyed when he saw Taehyung. He spoke, "Hyung, it's not my mistake. Something happened; it was very slippery. I don't know, hyung, but it was not intentional."

Taehyung calmed Yeonjun first and said, "It's okay, baby."

Jungkook was enraged after seeing Felix.

He grabbed Taehyung's hand, pinned him to the hospital room's wall, and said, "It's not okay. You don't speak a word. How dare he hurt my brother! I will definitely make sure he faces all the consequences, and you too."

Taehyung was not easily scared by mere threats.
He got angry at how Jungkook was not understanding. He broke free from the grip and said, "Mr. Jeon, calm down. As my brother said, it was not inten-"

"Not intentional, my ass! Just don't utter a word. I don't care about your lousy explanations," Jungkook cut him off. (One thing Tae hates the most is when someone cuts him off while he speaks.)

Taehyung was super angry, but Minho came behind him, pulled him, while Han struggled to handle Jungkook.

Taehyung saw Yeonjun and Hyunjin both had bruises, including Soobin. They were untreated, standing in the corner, looking at Felix with teary eyes. He could understand Jungkook's anger for his brother, but he should also understand the other kid, who is the same age as his brother, who has done this unintentionally. He knows Yeonjun is not a bully. Therefore, he took matters into his own hands.

He went to check up on Felix's file calmly while Jungkook grabbed his wrist to stop him. Jungkook said, "What do you think you are doing? I don't want your family even to breathe near my brother."

Taehyung removed his hands from Jungkook's grip and said, "See, I don't care whatever the hell you yell, but keep in mind this is a hospital, and I am also a doctor. Tone it down."

After seeing it, he went to check on Soobin first and then on Yeonjun and Hyunjin.

Jungkook was about to yell at him, but he got a glare from Taehyung. Taehyung also kept his index finger on Jungkook's lip and shut him off. Jungkook was fuming in anger. He didn't like how Taehyung dodged him and was not scared of him at all.

But he kept his anger inside and watched the male intently to see what he was doing.

Taehyung called Minho to help and said something to Minho's ears. He also asked Minho to fetch the doctor who is looking after Felix.

Meanwhile, the Principal called Jungkook and Taehyung alone and spoke to them.

Principal: "Mr. Jeon and Mr. Kim, the school does not encourage these types of behaviors."

Jungkook: "Yes, those boys should be severely punished." (Taehyung rolled his eyes.) Taehyung: "But it was unintentional, sir. It was an accident."

Principal: "We understand, Mr. Kim, but Hyunjin and Soobin got into the fight because of this, which we can't accept."

Jungkook: "But Soobin tried to save his brothers from bullies."

Taehyung shouted, "MY BROTHERS ARE NOT BULLIES!"

The Principal sighed and said, "Please calm down. We have the annual break in 2 days. For those 2 days, Yeonjun, Hyunjin, and Soobin will be under suspension, and Felix will be on medical leave. This is a school management order. Please follow it. We will take a leave."

After the Principal left, Taehyung turned to Jungkook and said, "Look, Mr. Jeon, I don't care what you think about me or assume about me. To hell with it. But those are kids, and I personally advise them to avoid violence at all costs. I definitely know my brothers are not bullies, and don't you dare speak about them like that."

With that, Taehyung left for Felix's room and started his first aid on Soobin, while Minho treated Yeonjun and Hyunjin.

Jungkook knows he hates this pretty doc but why something about him is making him to obey this man,

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