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The next day, Taehyung arrived early at the hospital to manage his appointments.

He asked Beomgyu if there were any more, and Beomgyu nervously mentioned one last patient.

Taehyung sighed, checked his watch, and gestured for Beomgyu to call in the last patient.

As the patient knocked on the door, Taehyung absentmindedly said, "Yes, come in," without looking up. He glanced at the patient's profile and frowned. Confused, Taehyung stuttered, "Kk.. kim.. Sseokjin.."

To his surprise, it was Jin standing there with Joon. Taehyung threw himself at Jin, and Joon snuggled closer. Taehyung exclaimed, "Hyuungssssss!"

Jin told Beomgyu to lock the door, teasing Taehyung about his upcoming wedding and how he'd forget about them. Taehyung, overwhelmed with emotions and recent events, was a crying mess.

He explained how he didn't avoid speaking to Jin and Joon on purpose but didn't want to disturb their charity work in Africa.

Taehyung admitted that, like his other brothers, he wanted to be babied by Jin and Joon. Joon patted Taehyung, who was sobbing, while Jin cried too, understanding Taehyung's feelings.

They were like parents to Taehyung and were happy about his engagement. After calming Taehyung down, Jin said they weren't angry and asked to see a picture of his fiancé. Taehyung chuckled and showed them a selfie.

Jin commented, "Awe, he looks like a doe-eyed bunny!" while Joon added, "I've seen him at business parties. He's a muscle bunny baby. Never judge by that baby face."

Jin suggested calling Taehyung's fiancé and having dinner together. Taehyung hesitated, remembering they were supposed to dine with Jungkook's cousins.

He asked Jin and Joon if they could join, to which they agreed. Taehyung called Jungkook, who welcomed the idea of having Jin and Joon join them for dinner.

Excited,  Taehyung couldn't stop smiling. He was grateful for Jin and Joon's surprise visit and looked forward to introducing them to his fiancé.

Love's Embrace - TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now