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As Taehyung lay in bed, thoughts of Sana and Jungkook's relationship lingered in his mind. He couldn't shake off the feeling of jealousy that had crept in earlier.

He knew deep down that Jungkook and Sana were just friends, but the thought still gnawed at him. Meanwhile, Jungkook tossed and turned in his bed, unable to sleep. He never expected Taehyung to be jealous of Sana.

To him, Sana was just a friend, nothing more. He couldn't understand why Taehyung was feeling this way, and it bothered him more than he cared to admit.


In America, Jungkook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, sat in their living room, deep in conversation.

Mrs. Jeon expressed her concerns about Jungkook's well-being and his age. She felt that it was time for Jungkook to settle down and start thinking about marriage. Mr. Jeon nodded in agreement, understanding his wife's worries. They both loved Jungkook dearly and only wanted the best for him.

The night passed slowly, with both Taehyung and Jungkook lost in their thoughts, unaware of the turmoil brewing in each other's minds.

Next day, 

In the conference room of Seoul National Hospital, Taehyung, Lee Know, and Beomgyu were deep in discussion about the upcoming heart surgery. The surgery, crucial for a 3-year-old child, was scheduled to begin at 1 pm and last for 10 hours.

The team meticulously went over every detail, preparing themselves mentally and emotionally for the challenging procedure ahead. They were fully focused, not once glancing at their phones or any distractions.

As the hours passed, Jungkook found himself eagerly waiting for Taehyung's text reply. He felt a bit like a teenage boy waiting for his crush to respond, his mind restless and impatient.

However, the entire morning passed without a single message from Taehyung, leaving Jungkook feeling increasingly fussy and anxious. By evening, Jungkook's patience wore thin.

He decided to take matters into his own hands and called Yeonjun to check if Taehyung was still at the hospital. Upon confirmation, Jungkook drove straight to Seoul National Hospital, his heart pounding with a mix of worry and anticipation.

Arriving at the hospital, Jungkook went straight to Taehyung's room and settled in to wait for his arrival. Hours passed, and the hospital buzzed with activity as surgeries went on.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the nurse informed Taehyung that he had a guest waiting for him. Curious, Taehyung made his way to his room, where he was met with a surprise.

There, waiting for him, was Jungkook, a warm smile on his face. Taehyung was taken aback but pleasantly surprised to see him. Jungkook, without missing a beat, asked if they could have dinner together.

Taehyung, touched by Jungkook's gesture, smiled warmly and agreed. "Sure, just give me a moment to freshen up," he said, gesturing for Jungkook to wait.

Jungkook nodded, his heart racing with excitement at the prospect of spending more time with Taehyung.

Love's Embrace - TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now