chapter 1

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Hope pov

I sat in the back of the car with my dad next to me and my mom too. We were going to some dumb school all because my dad gave some money and now I have to go.

"Maybe this will be fun, Hope," my mom said, roughing up my hair as I pushed her hand away and I fixed my hair.

"Fuck no all because dad put some money into that dumb school" I said with attitude and my parents rolled their eyes.

"Look Hope it was for money but this could be good for you" my dad said as I rolled my eyes.

All the students will be away from me since I'm a Mikaelson and The tribrid but I don't really care less people getting beat up I guess.

The car stop and I look out the window I saw a old man with two girls and fuck the brunette is fucking gorgeous.

My parents got out then me as I crossed my arms "Klaus good to see you" the old man said "Alaric my good friend I see you're twins are here too" my dad said with a smile.

"Yes this is Lizzie" the blonde gave us a smile and waved her hand "and this is Josie" I look at Josie. Her smile is the most beautiful thing in this world.

"This is Hope" my mom said I sigh as I just wanted this to end badly.

"Well girls go show Hope around while I talk with them" Alaric said my parents gave me a little push as I sigh again "don’t be too much of a trouble" my mom said as I nodded.

"Love you guys" I said as the girls led me inside the school. Students stopped and looked at me but I didn't really care that much. I'm used to getting looks.

"Well made sure she doesn't kill you" Lizzie said as she gave me a look and left I heard Josie sigh "so I heard you're from New Orleans" Josie said.

Her voice is so smooth and soft I never meet someone with a voice like hers and I love it

"Yes I am, what never been there?" I asked and she nodded "I heard it's cool but that's it" she said and I slightly shrugged my shoulders.

"Let me show you your room" she said as she opened the door and the room looked empty with only a bed and a desk and of course a closet.

"You're one of the few lucky ones you don't have a roommate" she said with a slight chuckle and it was music to my ears.

"We will have lunch soon and my room is a few down so if you have any questions you can come and find me" she said I couldn't help but to keep looking at her eyes.

Her eyes were so beautiful and her face was the most beautiful thing and her lips I just want to see how soft they are.

"Thanks and the classes?" I asked.

"Oh right, do you have your schedule?" She asked and I nodded. I take it out from my pocket as I hand it to her.

"Oh you have most classes with me I can show you around ours and the others" she said as she handed me back the paper.

Oh I can see more of her, maybe this school is not so bad with her in it.

"I'm going to let you get comfortable but I'll come again so I can show you the cafeteria" Josie said I nodded as she turned around and gently closed the door.

I sat down on the bed and lay down on it as I just stared at the ceiling.

Josie wow a beautiful name for a gorgeous girl I must have her I need to have her

Josie will be mine

New book tell me how you guys like it and yes I'm making Hope obsessed it's fun for me haha

Bye 👋

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