chapter 3

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Hope pov

After classes Josie took me around the school showing me around some more and I really paid attention but most because I was with her. Josie's scent is so sweet and nice I love the smell.

Me and Josie were going on a walk in the forest and we were close. I can still smell her and the forest but I try to mostly focus on her.

We went to a lake as we sat down on the dock. We were just sitting down not saying anything. I gave her quick looks as we looked at the water.

"So why did you bring me here?" I asked and Josie shrugged as she looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"I don't know, I just want to show you where to go if you're overwhelmed" she said and I nodded as I looked back at the water.

She's showing me where to go she must want me

We were sitting in comfortable silence until Josie stood up and held out her hand. I grabbed it and she helped me to stand up.

We went back to the school as she was still holding my hand but I did have a strong grip on it. I didn't want to let go. Her hand is so soft and smooth it just fits perfectly in my hand.

When we got inside the school she let go of my hand which I didn't like to let go but I had to anyway we went to the gym where I saw some wolves working out.

"Jed" Josie said as a muscular guy walked up to us "yeah?" He asked as he gave me a quick look and I made a face.

The fuck was that

They started to talk which I didn't really care for. I was just in my own world when Josie grabbed my hand and waved Jed bye and she pulled me out of the gym.

"You okay?" She asked and I nodded "yeah why?" I asked back and she shrugged "just want to make sure" she said and I nodded. She was about to let go of my hand when I squeezed slightly harder and she stopped.

It's short I know sorry if this is not too good but still hope you guys at least like it

Bye 👋

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