chapter 2

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Josie pov

I woke up to my phone ringing as I rubbed my eyes as I lay there for a few seconds then I sat up and got hit by my favorite coffee smell.

I looked at my side and saw a cup of coffee with a small note. I pick up the small note.

To my beautiful girl, I hope you like the coffee I got you, oh and you are so gorgeous I just wanted to say that ;)


     Your soon to be wife

I chuckled at the weird note but also confused on who made it. I shook my head as I grabbed the coffee and smelled it.

Smells normal

I take a sip and it tastes normal "and good" I said as I drink more and got out of bed.

I saw Lizzie coming out of the bathroom "hey Liz did you know who brought the coffee?" I asked and Lizzie shrugged.

"I didn't see that when I woke up" she said and I sigh I looked at the time and quickly got dressed.

"Why are you in a hurry?" Lizzie asked as she started to do her hair.

"I'm going to show Hope her classes" I said as I saw Lizzie roll her eyes. "Yesterday dad said to just show her around and that's it" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"I know but she was nice and actually really focused" I said as Lizzie waved her hand letting out a huff.

"Whatever but I'm killing her if she sucks out your blood" Lizzie said and I pouted as I put on my perfume and deodorant.

I grabbed my bag as I walked out of my room. I made my way to Hope's room and before I knocked, the door had already opened.

"Hey" she smiled. I gave her a sweet smile when I looked into her room and it looked completely done.

"Nice room very much like you" I said and Hope moved more as she grabbed my hand pulling me inside.

"I didn't know you could paint," I said, pointing to the canvas and some paints with all different shapes and sizes of brushes.

"Oh I do, my father teached me how to" Hope said she grabbed her bag and we left her room "for breakfast the school gives different options" I said and Hope nodded.

"You can sit with me and my friends if you want?" I asked, Hope look at me for a second then nodded "okay but you know I'm not going to say much" she said.

"That's fine you're still new" I said I got my food with Hope behind me just following me around I saw Lizzie giving me a look. I gave one back. I pulled Hope to the table and made her sit down next to me.

"Is that the new girl?" Raf asked and I nodded. Hope just looked down at her phone "her name is Hope but I'm sure everyone knows that" I said when I felt a slight tap on my thigh I looked down to see Hope's hand and I looked at her.

"Sorry" she whispered and put her hand away I let it go "it's okay but do you skip breakfast?" I asked.

"Sometimes I'm not really hungry" she said and I nodded. I started to eat. I keep seeing Hope just looking at me with her head slightly turned.

It's kind of cute

"Did you find out who gave you that coffee and note?" Lizzie asked me and I completely forgot about that "what coffee and note ohh someone likes you" Mg said as I rolled my eyes.

"Do you get them a lot? Hope asked and I looked at her "nope but whoever did came off a little strong cute but strong" I said and the gang laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"What did they tell you they love you" Landon laughed "no but at the end it was Love… your soon to be wife" I said and Lizzie let out a groan.

"I wish someone would do that to me," she said. I keep eating the rest of the time we mostly talk about random things and Hope mostly stays quiet.

After breakfast I started to walk Hope to our class "did you hate the note?" She asked and I shook my head "I mean no it was cute it was out of the blue but sweet" I said and she nodded.

"And the coffee?" She asked when we walked inside the classroom "it was my favorite but I wonder who gave it to me" I said.

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