chapter 15

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Hope pov

I was sitting in Mr Saltzman’s office. He had a look on his face, his hands together in a tight grip. I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"If you're not going to say anything I'm leaving" I said standing up "sit down Hope" He said I cross my arms.

He sighed "Hope where were you last night?" He asked.

"With Josie, why?" I asked sitting down again "Hope they found a dead man behind the club and some people saw you leaving the same place" he said.

"I didn't do anything and I don't being falsely accused" I said standing up and Mr Saltzman did the same "Hope this is serious I don't like being lie to and your family promised you won't be a trouble"

"Don't bring my family into this and I'm not being a bother" I said walking to the door he sighed and rubbed his face "you're like a gay fish" he whispered.

The fuck is a gay fish? Is that supposed to be an insult?

"I'm leaving now bye" I opened the door and closed it behind me. I walked outside of the school and saw Josie watering the plants.

I got behind her and I quickly grabbed her ribs. She screamed and turned around, I quickly raised my hand stopping the water mid air.

"I hate you," she said, pouting. I laughed "sorry" she put the hose down "what did my dad wanted with you?" She asked.

"Nothing much but he did call me a gay fish” I said as she laughed a little. "He's not wrong, you're like a gay fish but for me it's a gay goldfish," she said, grabbing the hose and watering the plants.

What does that even mean?

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"You're like a gay goldfish you know" she said slowly I sigh rubbing my face.

No I don't know saying it again doesn't help but it's Josie so I'll let it slide

"Okay yeah yeah" I said she smiled and started to hum. I got behind her wrapping my arms around her and my head resting on her back.

"What's up gay goldfish" she said laughing and I rolled my eyes and pulled away "I'm done I'm going back inside" I said walking up the stairs.

"Okay later in your room?” She asked and I nodded "I'll see you there" I said blowing her a kiss.

She shook her head giggling "Keep blowing kisses and maybe I will have to give you one" she said In a joking way I felt my face heat up and I quickly went inside.

Oh god how I wish she did

Happy 4th of July and I hope you guys had a good day

Bye 👋

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