chapter 10

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Hope pov

I was in the library with Josie and she is torturing me and not in a fun way.

"Hope the teacher said this before" Josie said with a pout I groaned as I put my forehead on the table "I don't want to do this" I said.

I felt a warm hand on my back. I turn my head to look at her. She had a soft smile. "Please just pay attention, you're too far behind," she said.

I sigh and sit up, her hand went to my thigh and I wish she would finger me right now.

I shake my head to get rid of my dirty thoughts "ugh fine but you own me" I said and Josie nodded she went back to teaching me but her hand was still on my thigh.

I put my hand on top of hers as I made her rub my thigh. She would squeeze my thigh or hand a couple of times which made me more wet.

I didn't really care to pay attention but I did. I'm willing to put in effort for her but it was really hard with how close she was and how she was touching me.

I would still let her do whatever with me "are you actually paying attention or are you trying to get out of this?" She asked, I put my cheek in my palm as I lay in it, "English is hard," I said with a pout.

She chuckles as she takes her hand off my thigh and gently pushes some hair behind my ear. I blush and I quickly look at the paper "come on let's finish this" I said.

After a few hours we were finally done. I was laying on my bed with Josie and there was a bowl of grapes in between us.

"I hate our English teacher" I said as I popped some grapes in my mouth "Hope you hate everyone" she said turning her head I look at her as I turn my body on my side.

"That's not true I don't hate you" I said Joise giggled as she put her hand on my cheek gently rubbing it "good" she said Josie move the bowl as I moved closer to her until I was cuddling into her.

Her hands went to my lower back playing with the end of my shirt. I put my face on her neck my hands went inside her shirt as I rub her soft skin.

I felt so comfortable being like this being so close to her. I love the feeling and I wish I was like this forever.

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