chapter 9

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Hope pov

It feels so good to have Josie back. I was so lonely but now I have her back I feel alive again.

I was drawing next to a sleeping Josie. Her arm was around me and so were her legs. Her head was against my side.

I was just drawing whatever was on my mind, which was Josie. I was finishing her hair when I felt Josie slowly waking up.

I put my notebook away and Josie sat up "good morning" I said with a smile she gave me a tired smile and rubbed her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked, I grab my phone "it's 8:34 you can sleep longer if you want." I said Josie shook her head and looked at me. I got closer to her until I was in her arms.

Josie layed down again and gently rubbed my back. My hands went to her stomach slowly moving them up and down feeling her soft skin.

"I'm hungry but I don't know what to eat" she said I chuckled slightly as I looked at her "I can make something for you if you want?" I asked but she shook her head again.

After a few minutes of silence Josie got up and put on her shirt "come on let's at least do something" she said I move on my elbows with a slight annoyed look.

"It's the weekend, can we not do anything" I said with a slight whine. Josie grabbed my hands and pulled me up "just for a little I promise" she said with a big smile.

I couldn't say no to her smile shit I can't say no to her in general she can do whatever to me and I would like it.

I sigh "fine whatever " I said Josie smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek I felt my face quickly burn up as I looked at her in awe.

"I'm going back to my room so I'll see you later" she said as she put on her shoes and left my room I fell on my bed and touched the place where she kissed me I can still feel her lips there.

I was with Josie and her other friends plus Lizzie we were talking and walking in the woods "look all I know is I'm faster with and without my vampire speed" Mg said cocky him and Landon were fighting about who's faster and fuck I'm this close to ripping out their hearts.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up it's been like 20 minutes and fried chicken no your not your not even faster than a sloth" Lizzie said Mg and Landon both pouted Lizzie just rolled her eyes not caring.

We made it to the mill as I lay down on the couch Josie lifted up my legs as she sat down and put my legs on her lap gently rubbing my legs.

"So what are we doing here again?" Lizzie asked "well… I don't know we-" Mg started but got cut off with Jeb slamming a big bag of weed on the table "We could start smoking a little" he said with a smile.

We all looked at him but I was more focused on where the hell did he get that much weed? We kept looking at him.

"Stop looking at me like that" he said "where the fuck did you get this much weed" Lizzie said as she picked up the bag.

"Oh I took it from your dad's office" he said with a slight shrug "damn this is like 5 pounds" Lizzie said she put it on the table again as Jeb pulled out small papers from his pocket.

"I'm good I don't want you guys doing dumb shit or killing each other again" Josie said and I looked at her "again?" I asked.

"Actually that was you since you wanted to light a tree on fire" Lizzie said as Josie threw the pillow at her "shut up I was high and drunk" Josie said.

"Well I'm going to do it," Landon said, along with Mg, Lizzie and Jeb. They started to do the rolls while me and Josie were just watching them.

I switched my place so I was leaning against Josie "you want to get out of it?" I whispered in her ear Josie looked at me and nodded as she grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch.

"I'm going don't do anything stupid" she said she pulled me out of the mill and we started to walk back to the school still holding each other's hands.

"You think they will be good?" Josie asked me and I nodded "how bad can it be, they're fine love I promise" I said she gave me a stupid smile as she ruffled my hair "if you say so" she said.

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