chapter 14

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Hope pov

Josie and I were getting ready to go out. Lizzie really thought it was a good idea to go out in the club. I never saw Josie beg harder not to go.

To be honest I never saw Josie beg that really turned me on anyways I was fixing my hair as Josie was laying on the bed already ready to go.

I turn around and I slap her leg "come on lazy get up" I said Josie sat up groaning "I don't want to go but Lizzie will annoy me" she said I chuckled as I grabbed her face.

"Come on we promise them we will meet them there" I said Josie stood up "I'm driving" she said taking my keys.

We went out of the school and into my car "are you going to drink a lot?" I asked, Josie turned on the car and started to drive. Josie shrugged "don't know"

The drive was short and the silence was good. We got to the club and we went inside the club to loud music and people grinding and dancing was definitely something.

We made our way to the others. They were sitting at a table in the far counter of the club Lizzie and Mg were all over each other "get a room Liz" Josie said sitting down Lizzie gave Josie the middle finger and got off of Mg.

There was no more room for me as Josie just pulled me on her lap, her head resting on my shoulder and her hands resting on my thighs.

Damn it now I regret not wearing a dress

We quickly started to drink some alcohol. Landon, Raf, Jeb and Mg went into the crowd where the dance floor was "I'm going to get more drinks" Lizzie said and Cleo went with her.

"You can go dance if you want" Josie said and I shook my head "I'll go if you go" I said Josie chuckled and took a sip from her drink.

I didn't realize how much time had passed but a lot of people had left there, still a lot of people but not like before the gang left too just leaving me and Josie.

I saw Josie talking to some guy. I can hear their conversation. Josie was talking friendly and the guy was talking very flirty. I can't help but feel jealous. I don't why I do, I just am.

Josie turned her head and gave me a smile before looking away. I raise my cup to my lips taking a big sip. I saw Josie get up and the guy grabbed her wrist.

I vampire speed to them "Josie love can we go home now?" I asked, grabbing her arm and pulling her to me.

"She's going with me" the guy said pulling her back I take a deep breath and I smiled "she will never need your short thing you call a dick you really should call it a clit but I think a clit will be bigger than you" I said pulling Josie back this time his hand was off of her.

I dragged Josie out of the club and towards my car "thanks for that" she said I unlocked my car and opened the passenger side "of course and please let me treat you like a passenger princess" I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Fine but only because I'm tired and the guy was trying too hard" she said, getting in. "You think I was listening in. I felt embarrassed for you." I said, "yeah and even if I did want to sleep with him I know he would quickly dislike me," she said.

I looked at her confused. I looked up and saw the same guy leaving the club. I leaned down to her "I forgot something I'm gonna be back" I said she nodded and I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I stood up and closed the door. I vampire sped in front of the guy. The side of the club was an alley. The only thing was dumpsters and a light.

"The fuck" he said I smiled again "I don't really have much time so I'll make it quick" I said I grab him by the throat and slam him into the wall he choked and fall when I let him go.

He was gagging and choking for air "you're fucking crazy!" He yelled as he stood up and quickly threw a punch. I grabbed his fist as I twisted it. He screamed in agony "don't make it worse for you" I said, pushing him away.

"Oh I see you're only hurting me because I was with that girl it's not my fault she's a slut for people" he said I clench my jaw I step closer.

I grabbed his shirt and I pinned him against the wall "you dick I was only hurting you for talking to her in general but I'm going to kill you for calling her that" I said my hand wrapped around his throat and I twisted it.

I let his body fall onto the ground. I take deep breaths to calm me down and I vampire speed into the car. I saw Josie sleeping in the seat.

I smile and I lean over kissing her cheek. I turn on the car driving back to the school.

I don't feel guilty for I did it felt right doing it but someone got to find him, now I can see that part is fucked up I feel bad for the person to find him poor them.

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