chapter 8

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Josie pov

I was walking to Hope's room. I just got back from visiting my mom and I really missed Hope.

I got in front of her door and knocked on it. I waited for a bit until she opened the door and quickly hugged me "I missed you so much" she said.

I hugged her back when she picked me up and closed the door "Hope put me down!" I laughed. Hope put me on the bed and lay on top of me.

I gently rubbed her back "I missed you too" I said Hope looked at me "really?" She asked surprised.

"Yes I missed you" she had a big smile and she quickly hid her face in my neck. I chuckled softly. My hands slowly went up and down her back. We just stayed like that until I realized Hope fell asleep.

I gently flipped us over and I put a blanket over her. I got off the bed and opened her window. Since it was hot I went back to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I went to the door gently opening it "don't leave" I heard I look at Hope looking back at me with a pout "oh sorry I just thought-" she shook her head opening her arms.

I sigh and nod. I went to her and got into bed. We were on our sides. She closed any gaps between us with her tight grip on me. Her face was against my chest and her arms were around my waist.

I kissed the top of her head as I started to hum. I can just feel her relaxing in my arms. My hands were playing with her hair gently massaging it.

I still can't see how people hate her and how people call her a monster. She has been nothing but kind and soft to me. I don't know if it's just I'm her only friend or maybe s he is just comfortable with me.

I felt soft hands go under my shirt "Hope what are you doing?" I asked, Hope put her face away from my chest and I looked down at her "I just missed you and I missed your softness" she whispered as I looked at her slightly confused.

Her hands still went up until they were at the clips of my bra "please Josie I really missed you can you please take off your shirt" she said in a begging tone I looked at her shocked but I couldn't say no.

I nodded my head and I slightly sat up. She helped me take off my shirt. Hope gasped a little. She buried her face in my chest again. Her hands went to the clips and started to play with it.

I put my hands under her shirt rubbing her soft back up and down I felt she didn't have a bra on I couldn't help but blush at the moment all was happening in one day but holy fuck did I like it.

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