chapter 5

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Josie pov

I finished putting on my clothes when I saw flowers appearing on my bed. I sigh as I walk to them. The notes are still coming every day and started to come at night too. The flowers are slightly new but they are my favorite.

I went to my bed as I picked up the note.

Your always on my mind Jo your like the moon always so beautiful and so good to look at your my moon you make me go crazy for you, my love


I smile gently as I put the note where I keep the others and I pick up the flowers and I put them in the vase I pick up my backpack and there was a knock.

I opened the door to see Hope "hi" she said gently I gave her a smile as I closed the door behind me and we started to walk "so how did you sleep?" I asked.

"Good, yours?" Hope said "good, oh did you do the assignment for Mr Jack?" I asked and she gave a confused look "what assignment?" She asked and I sigh

Not again

"Hope" I whine "I'll let you copy but you have to pick up" I said and she nodded "sorry Jo but I was-" I cut her off "no buts I know there will be another assignment so your going to do that one I'll help you" 

She took a second then quickly nodded "deal can it be my room?" She asked and I nodded. When we got to the cafeteria we sat down and Hope put her legs on mine. Her short skirt rolled up a little which I quickly looked away.

"So umm Liz where were you I didn't see you this morning?" I asked Lizzie her and Mg did a quick look and I made a face "nevermind I don't want to know"

"Oh shut up at least it wasn't in our room" Lizzie said and I rolled my eyes "and keep it out of our room" Lizzie scoffed at that.

"Oh shut up at least I don't have to use my hand unless you and Finch?" Lizzie looked at me up and down quickly and I flick her forehead "shut up it was nothing just a make out" I said as I crossed my arms "whatever" she said.

After the bell had rang, Hope got up and we started to walk to our class. "So who is this Finch girl?" Hope asked.

I looked at her and I couldn't read her face "well she was… ummm.. she was a friend of mine who I made out with" I said not too sure how to say it in words.

Finch wasn't a girlfriend but I guess a hook up but without the sex just the make out and cuddling we were friends but that was like we were dating.

"So a fuck buddy?" She asked and I slightly nodded "I mean yes but we just made out that's it" I said Hope nodded then she whispered something under her breath which I didn't hear.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing sweet, nothing at all" she said but there was something in her tone that said otherwise but I let it go.

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