chapter 11

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Josie pov

I was in the kitchen with Hope as I was washing the dishes from our middle night snack "history sucks" she said with a groan.

I rolled my eyes "Hope" I said with a slightly annoyed tone "What it's true it's boring I already know everything" she said I look at her over my shoulder.

"Everything? Really" I said as I finished with the last place and I turned off the water "yes hello original vampires that everyone hates" Hope said.

"Okay if you really know everything I will ask you questions and you have to get them right" I said I dry my hands as I went to sit down next to her she had a small smirk on her face "okay but what will I get if I get them all right?" She asked.

I started to think about it and when I couldn't think of anything I shrug "if I get all of them right can I get a kiss?" She asked and I nodded "Okay deal 10 questions"

"Um, what year was George Washington president?" I asked.

"April 30, 1789" she said and I already knew I would lose.

After the 10 questions Hope completely got them right she didn't have to think about it. I groaned as Hope laughed "I told you I knew everything" she said I looked at her and grabbed her face.

"Yes you did a good job babe" I said as I gave her a soft cheek kiss I let go of her face "come on it's late and I'm tired" I said I got up but Hope grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to her.

"I think I deserve more kisses" she said "you never said how much kisses you want" I said as I moved her hair out of her face "but I should get more don't you think so?" She asked and I sighed.

"Fine but only a few more" I said. Hope closed her eyes and had a smile on her face. I grabbed her face again and I started to kiss her forehead, cheeks, and nose.

I stopped and pulled away. "I'm all done." I said she opened her eyes and I couldn't help but to stare at them. They were so beautiful blue like the dark ocean.

What felt like forever me and Hope just kept staring at each other like nothing can pull us away. I felt Hope’s hands on my waist pulling me closer to her. My hands went to the back of her head as I gently ran my fingers through her soft hair.

I started to lean in and Hope did the same we close our eyes as I can almost feel her lips "fuck no!" I heard someone say I felt being pulled. I quickly opened my eyes as I saw a mad Lizzie.

Oh fuck

Lizzie quickly pulled me out of the kitchen and to our room "are you fucking crazy why do you always have to like the bad girls" Lizzie said I groan I can feel my face burning.

I was so close to kissing Hope so so close

"Lizzie can you stop acting like Hope is such a bad person she's not" I said Lizzie gave me a look "out of all of the people Hope you don't know what she can do she's the first tribrid you have no idea what she can do" she said.

"Shut up I know that I know that but am I dead no, so stop treating Hope like she is a bad person!" I yelled Lizzie stayed quiet as she went to sit down on her bed until she laughed.

"Damn that girl got you yelling" she said laughing still I can feel my face get more red I never really yelled at Lizzie but something just snapped when she talked bad about Hope.

"I guess you're not wrong but don't feel so happy you're right I just you know" she said I went to sit down next to her "I'm sorry for yelling" I said.

"Me too and eww I sounded like dad but that doesn't mean I'm going to be nice but I guess I will let you hang out with her" she said I chuckled a little "why are you in a good mood?" I asked.

"Oh Mg gave me some good dick on my bed and I felt nice" she said I nodded but I quickly stood up "eww please tell me you cleaned your sheets" I said.

"yes but I slept in your bed since you were sleeping at Hope's oh yeah are you fucking or?" She asked and I quickly shook my head. I went to my bed and lay down. Lizzie did the same as we started to cuddle.

"No I don't know what happened in the kitchen but I wanted to kiss her. I don't know if it was just in the moment though" I said with a pout.

"You're so stupid when it comes to people and dating" she said rolling her eyes "shut up" I said with an attitude.

Lizzie sat up "No you shut up I'm young and Dad's favorite" she said as she stuck out her tongue "I'm older so you have to listen to me" I said crossing my arms.

Lizzie rolled her eyes and lay down on me again "whatever I'm tired so shut up and let's sleep" she said.

For the rest of the night I couldn't sleep. The only thing I could think about was Hope I don't know what she is doing to me. I never felt feelings like this. I know I can like someone too quickly by then giving me the smallest attention well not always but a handful of times.

Fuck what you doing to me Hope

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