chapter 12

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Hope pov

Me and Josie haven't talked about that night. We just pushed it under the rug and never talked about it. A part of me wants to talk about it.

I really wanted to kiss her but I didn't. I'm a little sad about that.

I was at the dock kicking my legs as I watched my water gently move the sun hitting it in a perfect way "there you are" I heard someone say I turn my head to see Mg.

"What do you want?" I asked as he sat down next to me "Josie wanted me to look for you" he said I couldn't help but to smile at that.

"What did she need?" I asked Mg just shrug "nothing much she didn't find you anywhere so she sent me to look for you nothing too important" he said.

I really wished she would find me though but it's nice she wanted to see where I was. Me and Mg stood up as we walked back to the school.

"So how's the school been?" He asked "good, don't really like the classes but I guess it's okay" I said.

"Yeah I get it when I turned into a vampire I really thought I would never get to go to class but that ended really quick" he said and I chuckled "same when I turned full tribrid I thought I would never go to school but my parents thought otherwise" I said.

"Yeah I didn't know New Orleans had a school for the supernatural" he said and I shook my head. "They don't. I was homeschool my whole life. It was fine. I didn't really like people," I said.

When we got inside the school we went to the library. I saw Josie reading a book. I sat down next to her which made her look at me "oh hey thanks Mg" Josie said Mg nodded and left.

"Where were you?" Josie asked as she moved a piece of my hair out of my face "at the lake" I said Josie nodded and pinched my cheek.

I chuckled a little "what are you reading?" I asked as I leaned in closer to her "I don't know some book I found" she said she moved an arm around me and pulled me closer to her as I lay my head on her shoulder.

We started to read the book well. I was more focused on Josie’s warmth than the book but she didn't notice I closed my eyes as I moved my head more to her neck as I breathed in her sweet scent.

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