chapter 6

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Hope pov

When you love someone you can't stop thinking about them no matter what. You turn into a red mess when you see them. Making up fake encounters that will never happen.

I didn't think I would feel so jealous when I heard about Josie and the fish girl but I did. I wanted to kill that girl so badly but I know Josie would hate me and I will never want my girl to be mad at me.

So I did the next best thing. I compelled her to forget about Josie. That's better than killing right?

I was walking down the hall and into the gym it was late at night and I couldn't sleep. I kept having weird thoughts then dirty thoughts about Josie which was very unholy anyways I put my headphones in as I put on some music I got on the bench and started to lift some weights

I didn't realize how long I was in the gym but I went through the different machines and I was on the ground doing pushups.

I smelled a sweet scent and immediately knew it was Josie. I rolled on my back as I looked up. Josie was standing over me with a white T-shirt and some gray sweatpants. I sat up and took out my headphones.

"Hey Jo, what are you doing here?" I asked and Josie shrugged as she sat down next to me "I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep" she said as she gave me a tired smile I couldn't help but chuckled at her cute face.

"You?" She asked "couldn't sleep" I said and Josie nodded. We sat there in silence for a bit until she said "are you still going to workout?" She asked I shock my head "I'm done for today"

Me and Josie got up and we went back to my room. I took a shower after I showered. I dry my hair and Josie was sitting on my bed watching YouTube on her phone.

"Who are you watching?" I asked Josie, looked at me and got on her side. I got on my bed crossing my legs "deb smikle I like her she's funny" Josie said.

I'm funny too

Josie went back to the video and slightly moved into a ball I got behind her and I slowly put my hands on her waist "umm… can I watch too?" I asked

"Sure" she said she moved her stomach and put her phone on my nightstand. She motioned me to get on her back and I did. I put myself completely on her back as I lay my head on her back.

I couldn't focus on the video I can only focus on Josie I can't believe I'm so close to her and she is allowing it I feel so fucking lucky I feel like I'm so close to having her.

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