CHAPT:: two

388 10 19

robinsadmirer:: finney
pinballcunt:: Vance
billysfuckboy:: griffin


autism patients

pinballcunt:: hey finney

robinsadmirer:: hey V

billysfuckboy:: uhm hi to me too 🙄
am I a joke

pinballcunt:: kys.
pinballcunt:: anyways, guess who bumped into me today and asked
for ur number

billysfuckboy:: Ong ms.sink

robinsadmirer:: I am her favorite student after all
robinsadmirer:: looks like she wants to give me more than A+'s😝😝

pinballcunt:: GUYS ACTUALLY

robinsadmirer:: JOKING.
robinsadmirer:: WHOWHOWHO

pinballcunt:: name starts with a R u solve the puzzle

billysfuckboy:: ROBIN?????

robinsadmirer:: UR JOKING
robinsadmirer:: oh my god

pinballcunt:: YES
pinballcunt:: he bumped into me during passing period and said sorry then asked if he could get ur number

robinsadmirer:: WE'LL WHATD YOU SAY???

pinballcunt:: no

billysfuckboy:: VANCE HOPPER.

pinballcunt:: KIDDINGGG
pinballcunt:: I said yes and gave it to him, he should call you after sunset.

robinsadmirer:: SHUT UP
robinsadmirer:: I can't wait omg oh
robinsadmirer:: guys what if he's just gonna prank call me 😔😔

billysfuckboy:: at least he'll be calling you 😹😹

pinballcunt:: finneys probably in the bathroom practicing what he's gonna say
pinballcunt:: "oh robin why didn't you ask me for my number instead oh mwah mwah mwah"

billysfuckboy:: IM CHOKING BYE

robinsadmirer:: sleep with one eye open Vance hopper.


was on his way to call finney, he got his number off of Vance when he bumped into him earlier that day.

robin was nervously pressing the numbers into his house phone,
he was thinking what he was gonna say when finn picked up the phone.

he pressed the dial button and the phone rang for a few.

bold: robin
tilted:: finney

"hey, it's robin."

"oh hey rob, how'd you get my number?"

finney asked, well knowing he was freaking out about Vance giving his number to robin earlier.

"oh uh I got it from Vance, it's that's alright, say I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?"

"oh for sure, I'll ask. how about Thursday?"

"sound good. I'll see you then finn."

"bye robin"

"bye finn."


autism patients

robinsadmirer:: OJ NY HOD GUESS WHAG

billysfuckboy:: I'ma guess you can't spell

pinballcunt:: or you finally got a B 😹😹

robinsadmirer:: what no dude I'm smart.
robinsadmirer:: ANWAYS. me, finney Blake, is hanging out with, robin arellano, on this upcoming Thursday.

billysfuckboy:: WHAT

pinballcunt:: about time one of you made a move.


homophobic and gay

finneyslover:: GUYS OMGOMG

griffinsman:: WHATWHAT

finneyslover:: earlier during passing period I got Finn's number from Vance and a fews minute ago I called him and WE'RE HANGING OUT ON THURSDAYYYYY

vancesstalker:: OH NY HOD QAHT THE FUCK???

griffsman:: HELLO?????? OMG

vancesstalker:: #rinney #finnneyandrobin

griffsman:: finney and robin sitting in a tree

vancesstalker:: K I S S I N G

griffsman:: first comes love

vancesstalker:: then comes marriage

griffsman:: thens come a baby in the baby carriage 😹😹😹😝😝😝

finneyslover:: suck my dick.

griffsman:: nah finney can do it

vancesstalker:: BYE

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