CHAPT:: twelve

169 3 20

he dropped Gwen over at Amy's on his way.

he felt as something was watching him the entire time, he didn't know what

he constantly looked back just to find nothing that could stick out to him

at least nothing he could see,
behind the trees in front of him was a black van

someone in it waiting for someone to fall for their trap

he made his way into his neighborhood , humming slightly

stepping on leaves as they crunches beneath his feet,
the wind blew making his fair messy

he let out a sigh, turning his head back around for the millionth time

he began getting paranoid as he noticed someone at least 7 feet in front of him

he shrugged it off before hearing a sound following another sound

he watched as an apple came rolling towards his feet, he raised his head up to see some guy rushing to pick up groceries off the sidewalk

"hey, need any help?" finney asked, the guy kindly say yes as finney walked towards him

"hey mind grabbing that apple behind you?" he asked

finney turned and reached down to pick it up

as he turned back to face the name he got socked in the eye

"holy shit what's your de—" he didn't manage to finish his sentence as something sprayed in his mouth

he soon blacked out as he was placed in the back of a van

gwen and Amy were in the middle of doing Bruce's hair before the phone started ringing

"I'll get it! wait here" Amy said, Gwen nodded as she watched amy pick the phone up

"hello?" "yea she's here why?" "oh, he should be home he isn't with us at the moment" "okay for sure"

Gwen waited patiently as amy hanged up the phone

"who was it?' she muttered, "oh uhm your dad, is finney at robins?"

"not that I know of, he didn't tell me" amy nodded her head

"why for?', 'oh, your dad was asking where he was at, he's not home at the moment" gwen furrowed her eyebrows.

"that's strange, he should be", 'ill call him in a bit don't worry" gwen said

Amy nodded her head as gwen gestured to her to come sit down to finish

"he'll be fine, if anything I'll make sure of it" bruce muttered as he noticed gwen's face stayed the same

she smiled as she began tugging at his hair

"ow!" he muttered over and over again as the girls laughed

they wouldn't be laughing if they knew where finney is, or who hes with

FINNEY FLUTTERED HIS EYES OPEN, as he felt an uncomfortable pain in his back that came from lying on the cement floor

he looked around noticing he didn't know where he was

he noticed a mattress and a bathroom, a locked up window, a door and a telephone

he got up and reached for the phone, only to hear nothing from the other side.

'why have a phone if it doesn't work' he muttered under his breath

he got startled as he watched the door open, seeing as the same guy who he helped with groceries earlier enter the room

"about time you woke"

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