CHAPT:: seven

270 11 24

"and they called it
puppy love"


homophobic and gay

finneyslover:: this gc is so dead ..

griffsman:: exactly

vancesstalker:: Soo ..
u and Finney 😉😉

finneyslover:: I'm glad this gc is dead actually!!

vancesstalker:: I hope ur dead actually!!

finneyslover:: pull a ms. Blake

vancesstalker:: U CAN'T SAY THAT ABT UR BFS MOM??

griffsman:: guys SHUT UP me and griffin are hanging out and all I can hear is my phone dinging.

vancesstalker:: ur hanging out with.. GRIFFIN????
I'm so gonna tell finney this

finneyslover:: r u and finn like friends now?

vancesstalker:: uhm yea 🥰🥰

finneyslover:: what since when?

vancesstalker:: since like last week or so idk

finneyslover:: oh

griffsman:: uhm anyways ..
finney ACTUALLY planned this 😝

vancesstalker:: wait what are u guys doing

griffsman:: he's looking through my records 😝😝 I have W music tatse I know

vancesstalker:: says who 🤨

griffsman:: uhm me 🤨🤨
also, what happened to robin ..

vancesstalker:: uhm
great question!! anyways
what record is griffin choosing

griffsman:: I think one of Paul ankas album
okay gtg he's talking to me 😛

vancesstalker:: WOW I'm lonely now

GRIFFIN PUT DOWN the album he chose on Billy's record player,
he and Billy were hanging out and having a sleepover that evening

they made these plans when Billy was handing out the newspapers and accidentally hit griffins head last week.

pual anka - puppy love
started playing as Billy put his phone down and stared at griffin

griff was dancing so horribly it was painfully hard to watch. billy let out a laugh while looking at him

"what kind of dance is that!" he said in between giggles, griff slapped his arm playfully and dragged billy out of bed

"can u dance any better!" griff argued back rolling his eyes and chuckling. he watched as Billy tried to dance, he only ended up falling onto griffin

"okay see that was uhm a practice. I was just mocking ur dance moves!" billy argued. "sure u were" griffin said

"show me ur real dance moves then!" griff said crossing his arms knowing billy was only lying

"no!" he said back, laughing.

billy grabbed a pillow that was near him and started hitting griffin with it, griffin grabbed one that was on the ground that fell from dragging billy off the bed.

they started hitting each other playfully and laughing historically.

"and they called it,
puppy love"

they both landed on the bed a few seconds later, looking at the ceiling and catching their breath.

billy looked to his side and stared at griffin who was busy slowing down his breathing to even notice eyes were on him.

billy stared at his light brown locks and his blue orbs, griffin turned and stared at billy only to see he was already looking at him.

pual anka was still playing in the background as the two continued looking at one another just admiring each other.

there was something about Billy to griffin, in the mornings griffin would purposely wake up early to pretend to be on a morning walk just to watch billy pass out newspapers with his dog.

billy would always slow down when riding near griffins house in the morning, hoping to see him on his daily walks, it was habit for him

griffin coughed and broke the silence, billy looked away flustered and sat up.

"soo uh, wanna go downstairs and find something to eat?" he asked.
griffin nodded and they went down.

billy went to the fridge as griffin sat on top of the countertop.

"what do u want? we have uh frozen pizza, chicken nuggets, eggs" he said while looking at griffin

"oo pizza definitely.", "for sure I'll heat up the oven!"

griffin stared at him while he did so, he couldn't help it. he couldn't take his eyes away from billy all night and he didn't understand why.

"griffin?" billy snapped him fingers in front of his face snapping him out of his gaze.

"huh oh yea?" "I asked if u wanted to watch a movie while we waited?" "for sure!" he said jumping off the counter and walking to the living room.

"So what do you wanna watch?" billy asked, "do you have the outsiders? It's my favorite currently."

"of course!" billy said putting the tape into the TV and sitting on the couch next to griffin.

they watched till the pizza was in the oven and till it was ready.

it was a pepperoni pizza, which was both of their favorite.

they grabbed their slices and went back to continue watching the movie

"hey griffin"

"hey billy" griff answered, taking a bite out of his slice and turning to billy

billy hesitated to ask griffin his questioned. "do you uh" "uhm, do you" he stuttered over his words.

"what do you think about robin and Finney? they both obviously like each other." he said.

that was not even close to what he wanted to ask but it was all he could of.

griffin shrugged, "I don't know but they look and act like a couple." he said chuckling and looking back to the tv.

"exactly." billy silently sighed and continued to eat, he decided he'll find another time to ask his question.

awhile past and they were now in Billy's room again, laying on his bed, griffin was reading one of his books and billy just watched him read.

it was a bit creepy but griffin didn't think much of it, glancing at billy who was still staring at him from time to time.

after awhile griffin got tired and set the book down on billys desk, noticing Billy was already sleeping.

griffin admired billy for a minute,
watching his chest go up and down since he was laying on his back, he looked around his room,
noticing how many records he had and the amount of books he had too.

he had a notebook on his desk and griffin noticed aswell, he wanted to read what was inside but he didn't, knowing it would've been an invasion of his privacy.

he laid down and turned to his side, facing billy. he stared at him for a little and he then closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep a little later.

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