CHAPT:: six

289 9 6

IT WAS FRIDAY NOW and I was getting ready for school, I liked school I just hated doing work,
even though I had good grades.

I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when Gwen yelled at me to hurry up.

by now it was 7:30 and school didn't start till 8:15. It was only a 10 minute walk from here and Gwen just wanted to hang out with Amy, Bruce's little sister.

I got my backpack and we left.

"so you and Robin?" I chocked on my own spit, shocked that she would even ask that

"what? no ew"

"are you sure? I saw you two walking home yesterday. u were maddd blushing!" she said with excitement.

"yes! we're just friends, plus he's a boy! I can't like a boy!"

"so what ur in denial of being gay?"

"what! no of course not. I am not that! we're JUST friends!!" I said, exaggerating the 'just'. Gwen always teased me about robin,
and we always argued about this topic like every other day!

"Soo say it!" she said with a chuckle. "no!" by now I was giggling, we were outside of school now and she spotted ashley so she waved goodbye and left.

Bruce was just a few feet away from ashley so I just walked to his direction. me and him were close, even only meeting just 2 days ago, It felt like I've known him my whole life.

"hey Bruce!"

"oh hey finn! ur early.", " yes Gwen wanted to come early so she could talk to ashley before class. she would've dragged me here if we didn't go early !"

I was exaggerating, but it was true. if I didn't go sooner, I would've been dragged by the ear.

"haha. so would've Amy, she would dragged me any chance she got! she's scary for a 12 year old."

before I could say something back, the bell rung and a bunch of kids started to run into the school, me and Bruce walked together as we had first period together, which was math

we sat in the middle of the class cause I hated the front but I also couldn't see in the back.

I hated math and so did Bruce,
I don't know how he hated math,
he literally worked as if his life depended on it whenever it was math.

when it came to another subject all Bruce did was copy down work instead of solving it!

"finn" I heard bruce whisper,

yea?", "wanna hang out later?"
I didn't have much to do today so I said sure,

plus gwen was going over to Ashley's later today so I didn't have to tell her I was going somewhere and leaving her home alone.

math ended awhile after and kids started heading out for their next period, I have biology and bruce had science, 'lucky.'

I didn't hate biology but it got boring from time to time, but I had biology with robin and half the time Ms.brown never teached! she would normally give us a simple worksheet and play a video

I sat down and waited for robin to walk in the class, he sat right beside me on the right.

he came in a few minutes late as Ms.brown passed out worksheets, like always.

he sat down and I began doing work, this stuff was so easy and before I knew it, I was done only 10 minutes later! Ms brown put on a 30 minute long video talking about whatever.

we had 35 minutes of class left and I decided to doodle for a bit.

I rested my head on my desk and got a tap on the shoulder, as I found a note on my desk.

I unfolded it and read it,

"hey :))"
- rob

I wrote hi back and passed it to him again and we did that for awhile before he fell asleep on his desk.

I began doodling again and noticed we only had 3 more minutes so I began packing up,

I woke up robin before the bell could and we headed out to our next period.


the day went by slow and it was finally the end of 6th period, me and Bruce decided to go to the grab n go after school and go to the field for an hour or so,

I had about 10 bucks in my backpack that I bring for emgernecys or just extra money.

"So how'd the hangout with Robin go yesterday?"

I totally forgot to tell Bruce about it! I began telling him every detail that happened with robin yesterday.

this is why I loved talking with bruce, he would always listen to you and just sit and listen.

i told him about how I asked him if he liked anyone and how he just replied with a simple yea!

I ended up just ranting to Bruce about robin, I knew he was friends with him but I also knew he wouldn't tell him.

just like I wouldn't tell vance how many times bruce talks about him.

after a while we got tired of talking so we just started to stare at the sky, since it was just about to be sunset we sat in silence.

I loved watching the sunset because of how pretty it was,
i loved how the sky turned into an admiring view.

I loved the mix of colors the sky turned into once the sun went away, it was gorgeous.

Bruce had his head on my shoulder limply. I stared at him and realized he was asleep.

it was about 7:45 so I left him asleep for another 10 minutes before waking him up and going home.


I woke up bruce and we walked home, I walked to his and dropped him off and picked up gwen.

"I didn't know you and bruce hung out!", "oh yea! we're friends now"

"Bruce yamada with finney Blake?? never expected u two to be friends." "gwen we both play baseball." "oh "

we got home awhile after and I passed immediately after I fell on my bed.

seeming as I was tired after school and being outside for a few hours
I still had my school clothes on and my shoes.

I took my shoes off and decided to sleep after I changed

I slipped on some shorts and a baggy tee.

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