CHAPT:: three

315 9 7

robinsadmirer:: finney
pinballcunt:: Vance
billysfuckboy:: griffin


autism patients

billysfuckboy:: guys guess what I did today

pinballcunt:: finally jumped off a cliff ??

robinsadmirer:: got smart?

pinballcunt:: found out ur gay??

billysfuckboy:: .
billysfuckboy:: I hope you all actually die.

robinsadmirer:: anyways, moving on to me cause yk, I'm coolest. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK TO WEAR FOR ME AND ROBS HANG OUT ON THURSDAY.

pinballcunt:: rob? 😨

billysfuckboy:: hangout? 🤨

pinballcunt:: oh he's gonna do more than hangout that's for sure

robinsadmirer:: no time for jokes it's tomorrow I need help actually pls anyone V griff 😔😔🙏🙏🙏

pinballcunt:: fine

billysfuckboy:: what do u need help with 🤨

pinballcunt:: DOING A BJ 😹😹😹😹

robinsadmirer:: DIE
robinsadmirer:: I'm asking Bruce since I have his number

pinballcunt:: YOU WHAT
pinballcunt:: give me it pld
pinballcunt:: I'll dk anything
pinballcunt:: I'll hekp uoo
pinballcunt:: GUVE ME YT

robinsadmirer:: 😨

billysfuckboy:: 😨😨

robinsadmirer:: and IM down bad 😨

pinballcunt:: I'm in ur walls finney blake.

robinsadmirer:: LEAVE MR ALOBE

pinballcunt:: how'd u get his number.

robinsadmirer:: we both play baseball..

pinballcunt:: oh!
pinballcunt:: can I take ur spot 🫶


vancesstalker:: Bruce
finneyslover:: robin
griffsman:: billy

homophobic and gay

finneyslover:: UH GUYS
finneyslover:: HELP A MAN OUT??

griffsman:: wheres the man

finneyslover:: I am the man??

griffsman:: no ur a boy

vancesstalker:: honestly I have to...

finneyslover:: finish that sentence Bruce yamada i dare you

griffsman:: bros a dead man 😹😹

vancesstalker:: all I did was speak.

finneyslover:: don't do it again ur damaging my ears


LATER THAT DAY, Bruce heard a buzz coming from his phone

he got a message from an unknown number, he was wondering how they knew his name.

1 *** *** ****:: hey is this bruce yamada?

bruce:: yeah, how do you know my name?.

1 *** *** ****:: oh okay, it's finney Blake from baseball? you said my arm was mint last season

Bruce remembered who he was.
last season finney won against Bruce's team, catching the ball almost too well.

Bruce:: oh yeah, nice arm.
how'd you get my number?

finney:: you gave it to me and I barely remembered I got it.

bruce:: Ohhh

finney:: yeah, anyways the reason I texted you was because I need ur help.

Bruce:: oh okay, what for?

finney:: ur friends with robin right? Or am I wrong

bruce:: oh yea I am

finney:: okay great.

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