CHAPT:: fifthteen

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WHILE FINNEY WAS IN THE BASEMENT, his friends were miserable knowing they were out and he wasn't.

they got closer since they found out the news, most of them would spend nights with each other in either of their houses

they spent days,weeks looking for him trying to just find a single clue on where he was, gwen had begun losing hope on ever finding him

she would wake up from 'dreams' she would call nightmares of finney

she barely went out and when she did it was to find him, hoping to just have a clue that he was still there.

she was miserable to say the least, and also weirded out on the bond her father was trying to form with him and her

he might've treated his kids like shit but he still cared about him, he got home 3 days early so from his trip to look for him

he spent nights outs looking for him with gwen by his side, evening and night since he still had to provide money in order for them to eat

and although he might've seemed alright, he felt like shit. knowing that his kid will most likely die down there thinking his only parent hated him

a month passed, they all felt miserable in a way but were filled with hope and luck on finding him

the blake's residence

GWEN WATCHED TV in the living room, sitting on the floor with an empty space next to her

her father sat in the kitchen the room beside, the phone rang in the hallway that connected the two rooms.

which, startled gwen a bit. she watched as he rose from his seat and walked away to pick the phone up

          she lowered the volume on the tv to try and listen on the conversation being held over the phone

    a minute after, she heard rushed footsteps as her father spoke
'put your shoes on gwen, quickly."
he said, coming out rather rushed

gwen's pov;:

i did as he said and slipped my slippers on, it was nearly 11 at night and no matter how many questions I asked him as we entered the car, he didn't answer

I sighed as I stopped and looked out the window

tree's passed by as I watched the moon shine from above

we stopped in front of a grocery store with a few police cars surrounded, as well as an ambulance

he turned the key as he walked out, I followed behind as I went to see what we were here for

I was clueless, if it didn't show. I was also, half asleep seeming as it was late.

I turned my head and looked around, angle to angle

the police were talking to some people and the ambulance had someone say in the back with a
blanket wrapped around their shoulders

they looked oddly familiar, although I could only tell the way they looked sweaty and quite miserable if you ask me

I squinted my eyes looking to see more, immediately gasping and running towards him

I yelled and engulfed him in a hug, he stood there stiff for a moment before I felt arms around me

I didn't notice the fact tears formed inwards my eyes, but I didn't mind letting them out

I sobbed into his shoulder as he kept a strong grip on me

I let go after a minute to glance at him

'holy shit finn. oh my god' I muttered,
I watched him laugh as a tear ran down his face

I tugged a smile on my face as I let go, I watched my dad bury him in a hug

they stood there for a while,
before they let go

finney grabbed my hand as he sat me down next to him in the back of the ambulance

we watched as our dad went on his knees and pleaded for a change

I rested my head on his shoulder, listening to him as I zoned out

if I could, honestly I would give everything to finney

but it would take a while to get him back to how he was, before all of this happened.


so just wanna clear up my posting schedule, I will be uploading new chapters every 1-2 weeks or if I feel motivated, 2-5 days

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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