CHAPT:: thirteen

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I BACKED UP, groaning in pain as my back hit the wall

I stared at the man in front of me, who was now looking directly at me

"what do you want." I said, sternly.

the man was in all black— with some sort of devil mask.

he chuckled, 'relax. I'm not gonna" he cut himself off, thinking of what too say.

"I'm not gonna hurt you', bullshit.
he was gonna do everything but not hurt me.

"where am I" I asked, the man chuckled and walked away.

leaving my question unanswered.

"hello? I asked a question" I said once again, immediately regretting it.

"what?" he said, I backed up.
only to hit the wall, again.

"n-nothing." I stuttered, he nodded and left the room

hearing a lock which meant the door was locked.

I sighed and saw a mattress on my side

I decided to try the phone again, knowing I wouldn't have any luck.

*click!*, I put the phone towards my ear, hearing nothing but my own breaths.

I shoved the phone back on the wall and made my way towards the mattress.

I was gonna be here for long, might as well sleep a bit.

I closed my eyes to meet darkness as I slowly fell unconscious.

no one's pov;;

BRUCE WALKED HIS WAY towards the drive in, he was meeting all his friends there.

he still hasn't heard from finney, he texted him a few times only to be left with no answer

he left amy and gwen at home, seeming as they claim to not need any supervision

he pulled his phone out and texted finney once more.

brucey:: finn, it's 6pm we're all meeting at the drive in. I hope you show up!

brucey:: hey, it's been an hour. uh I'm on my way now, are you coming?

he sighed and started walking again, hearing nothing but his own footsteps

or at least did, he heard some footsteps that definitely weren't his walk behind him

he turned his head around to be met with nothing.

he shrugged it off and walked again— only faster this time

he soon saw the 'drive in' sign and walked faster to meet his friends, which he saw leaning up against the register.

"can we get 2 cherry slushies, 3 coca cola's and 3 popcorn's?" he heard griffin say.

"oh add a bag of skittles too." he commented, startling griffin while doing so.

"jesus fuck!" Vance said, seeming as griffin wasn't the only one who was startled

"sorry!" bruce muttered to Vance, completely ignoring griffins existence

"wow" griffin muttered, "a bag of skittles too and that's all." he said, the cashier nodded and handed them their stuff.

robin held his bag of popcorn, that he was gonna share towards finn, well if he showed up, as well as his slushie.

Vance and Bruce held a bag of popcorn, a coca cola and a slushie.

and griffin and billy held 2 coca cola's and their popcorn, everyone walked towards the car vance rented out.

they piled up in the trunk and made their own little spaces.

billy and griffin put blankets and such before bruce got there so they didn't have to worry about bringing blankets or such.

"hey, where's finn?" robin asked, to which Vance shrugged.

"I don't know, I texted him a few times and he hasn't answered since." bruce replied

robin hummed in reply and started watching the movie, which was fear Street.

during the middle of the movie, robin started getting worried.

finney wasn't one to miss anything, he would be glad to get out once in a while.

robin pulled out his phone and began typing.

robin;: finn, where are you? where all at the drive in.

robin;: movie's already started, come quick?

he sighed and put his phone next to him

he continued eating his popcorn as he focused his eyes back onto the screen.

billy reached his hand down to get a handful of popcorn, only to bump his hand with griffins

"sorry" he whispered, "no worries, it's fine billy." griffin smiled, reaching his hand out to let billy get popcorn

he smiled at his actions and got some, returning his eyes back on the screen

as his cheeks turned a shade of red— he was glad it was dark so griffin couldn't notice it.

meanwhile they were at the drive in— finney was in an old man's basement.

he blinked his eyes opened only to be stumbled upon someone's eyes watching him

he shrieked in fear and got up instantly, noticing it was the man from before

which didn't make it any better.

"quite a sleepy head aren't ya?" the man chuckled, finney glared at him

"brought you some food." he said, putting a plate down that had an egg and a bottle of soda.

"what's in it?" he asked, "I'm not gonna poison you, I already kidnapped you anyways." the man replied.

'he says that as if it was that easy to believe.' finney thought— still glaring at the man upon him

"eat it— don't eat it, I don't really care" the man sighed as he left the room, locking the door once more.

finney stared at the plate, he was gonna regret his decision but he was gonna starve to death and die in that dirty basement if he didn't eat.

he began digging in the egg, noticing it was seasoned.

authors note!!!

sorry for not posting often anymore, I'm working on a book I'll be publishing soon 🙏🙏


anyways guys #freefinney 💪😔

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