CHAPT:: eleven

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"god I hate dr.pepper!"

ON ROBINS WAY HOME, he spotted a van a few feet ahead of him, it was black to be in particular

'what the hell' he muttered, he was now 3 feet within his house until he saw a man come from behind it spilling the groceries he had in his hand

"oops, silly me, haha!" the old man said, robin looked at his features noticing he was wearing some sort of mask

robin was slightly judging the man that called himself silly

"mind giving me a hand? this old man can't do much with a back like this" he said, robin grew suspicious so he said no

to which the man slightly frowned underneath the mask he wore.

robin walked up to his house before the man could say something else

as robin walked in the guy picked up his stuff and stuffed it in his van, 'ill get that kid sooner or later' he thought while doing so.

robin shrugged it off and ate dinner, he stayed up for a while thinking about the strange guy

he was lost in thought that he was completely zoned out, soonly falling asleep

he was trying to wake up Gwen, which didn't seem to work at all so he went to the kitchen and got a cup of water

he spilled some of it on her to which she bolted up.

"FINN!" she yelled, "ITS 7 WAKE UP" he yelled back, he ran out the room before Gwen could do anything.

"now my hair is wet" she muttered, she got out of the covers and picked out something to wear

meanwhile Finney was already ready and was making breakfast, French toast and eggs, which were slightly burned.

"GWEN! BREAKFAST IS READY" he yelled, he placed the plates down on the table and went to go get his backpack so he didn't need  to get it after

"KAY!" she said, she was wearing her rainbow striped shirt with jeans and vans

finney came back and sat down to eat with her, "finn the eggs are like burned!" she said

"well you know I can't cook!" he replied, laughing.

"I'm going to Amy's later so I'll be back at 7!" she said, putting her plate in the sink as finney followed

"mkay", they both grabbed their stuff and left locking the door

"ROBIN ARE YOU READY YET?" robins moms yelled, robin wasn't even awake yet

"UH, GIVE ME FIVE MINUTES MA!" he yelled, "shit" he muttered rushing to find something to wear.

he slept through the 4 alarms he set up the night before, he put his hair in a bandana and rushed out his room with his backpack slightly falling off his shoulder

"okay finally! now let's go, I'm dropping you off on my way to work" she said, robin nodded and hopped in the car

a few minutes later they arrived at the high school, robin muttered his mom a goodbye and made it just in time before the bell rang.

*°• skip towards lunch !! •°*

ROBIN SAT DOWN at a table, waiting on his friends to get their food


e began eating his sandwich before Finney scared the crap out of him

"boo!" he said, robin immediately flinching, only because he wasn't expecting it

"finney!" he said, whining because Finney apparently 'almost made him choke'

they playfully argued that finney didn't mean to scare him as robin denied that he totally did

"get a room you too" Bruce muttered sitting in front of finney and robin and Vance sat down next to him

"u and vance first!" finney said, bruce got immediately red, making his face put tomatoes to shame.

robin and Finney laughed as bruce was still red and vance was holding back a smirk, meanwhile billy and griffin sat down

Bruce pulled out a Dr pepper that he got from the vending machine

"oh ew barf!" finn and griffin said in unison, "what do you mean!" Bruce asked

"Dr pepper makes me wanna curl up into a ball and die" Finney said, "literally, also it tastes like grape medicine!" griffin added on

" what! oh my god how am I friends with you guys " Bruce said,
"how am I friends with you! u like Dr pepper, god I hate Dr pepper!" finney said as griffin chuckled

"hey well it's better than liking coca cola!" robin said

billy, Finney and Vance's mouth dropped. "what!" they said startling robin

"coca cola is amazing what are you on!" "coke is better than disgusting Dr pepper!" "I would drink coca cola for the rest of my life if I could, never disrespect coke like that again asshat"

they kept arguing over what soda was better as bruce and griffin decided to be bystanders and not get in the way.

"ugh whatever!" robin said

bruce coughed, " so.. uhm what else is new!" griffin joyfully smiled

"just shut the fuck up and eat your food" vance replied, earning a playful smack on the arm by Billy

"dude!" he muttered as griffin stuck his tounge out at him

soon later the bell rung and they soon started to walk to their classes

finney and Bruce had math together as robin, billy and griffin had biology

Vance was alone seeming as he had science, which he hated.

AFTER SCHOOL ENDED, they went home, before that they made plans to go to the drive in tomorrow night, seeming as it was Friday night.

robin, Finney, Gwen, Amy and Bruce walked home together, since they all didn't live far

Bruce and Amy were the first to go, "bye finn bye robin!" he waved goodbye as Amy hugged Gwen saying goodbye.

"gays" robin muttered to finn pointing over to Gwen and Amy, Finn snickered and continued walking home

"Gwen me and my friends are going to the drive in tomorrow night so do you think you'll be good staying with Amy?" finn asked, she nodded and continued to walk

she walked faster even though she was shorter, leaving Finn and robin alone behind her.

"so, uhm" robin said, staring at Finney who was looking down at his shoes

"how was math?" he asked, "oh my god it's so stupid! I barely understand a single thing the teacher literally only talks about her life while she makes us work on worksheets, how does she expect us to focus." he ranted.

robin laughed and soon enough they were at finn's, they said goodbye as finn gave robin a joyful smile

robin smiled as his cheeks turned a shade of pink, he watched as they went inside and began getting to his house.

I'm ungrounded finally #freedom😘😘🙏🙏

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