CHAPT:: fourteen

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finneys pov::

ITS BEEN A WEEK or so since the last time he brought me food.

I've woken up starving, and I think I'm going crazy because this stupid fucking phone goes ringing every time I wake.

I've been starving, no matter how many times I've told him that he shrugs it off and goes upstairs

he hasn't been locking the door frequently, but I'm terrified to know what's upstairs.

I've tried breaking the window but nothing has been working.

the window is my only sense of life now, I know when a day passes by it.

it's about night now, I think. It's dark outside and the door is unlocked

he came down awhile ago, I'm not quite sure how long it's been since then, well pick out the obvious.

a while ago he threw me a newspaper, seeing my face on one of those was something I dreaded. specifically now for the fact he knew my name.

he calls me finn, and I absolutely despise it.

I've been thinking about going upstairs, but the pit in my stomach tells me not too.

but I'm already on the verge of death,
so this might just be the cause of it.

I slipped off the bed and went to the door, opening it as the hairs on my neck stood up

I creaked up the stairs, moving slightly every second to make sure I don't make a sound.

going up I could see him, he sat there lifeless for what it seemed

he lightly snored so I could sense he was passed out, I walked towards the door, barely making a sound as I carefully picked the lock that was there to try and pry it open

I tried code after code, soonly realizing I couldn't do anything if I didn't figure out the code to leave.

I turned and search for some sort of help, only to see some sort of notes on the fridge

I walked over there, making sure I didn't wake him up.

there was a bunch of numbers along with addresses for some sort, only 5 numbers stuck out that were written alone on one of them

23-31-7, it read. I walked back towards the door and started putting the numbers in

quietly so. the lock soon opened and I took it off and put it in my jean pocket, knowing if I threw it down it would wake him up

I opened the door and heard movement coming from the other end, I let go of the door and sprinted towards the street, I could hear his van starting so I ran towards a backyard

by now, he was driving behind me.
to say I was scared was an understatement, but If I wanted to live I had to do to make it happen

house after house, I ran not knowing where the hell I was going.

I ended up with an issue, I could go left, right or continue straight.

I ran left and saw a fence, leading into some sort of back yard

I quickly climbed seeing as he was a few feet away but far enough to not see my figure.

I fell onto the floor and got up quickly, continuing to run

my legs cried as I tried my best to push, soonly seeing a street with a store right near it.

I sprinted faster than before and ran inside, I wasn't sure where the van was but I could tell it wasn't near

I ran my way towards a checkout trying to find an employee, which I did

I didn't really have to say anything, because by the time I knew it the phone was being put down and I was told cops will be here in a few.

I was brought to a chair and sat there while the employee asked me millions of questions.

most of his questions seemed to be faded out, and my breath was the only thing I can hear

I was panting and sweating, I looked and felt like shit and it felt like an oven


hii!! Im back after a month 😈😈 THIS CHAPTER CAUSED ME LIKE DAYS TO FINISH

It's so hard trying to figure out a way for him to escape 😔 anyways at least that's out the way so the next chapters will be easier 🥰

ALSO IM OUT OF SCHOOL so I will be updating more and more with the amount of free time I had on hands now!

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