CHAPT:: eight

263 8 12

"girls just wanna
have fun"

GWEN BLAKE was on her way to the park, she would rather die than be home with a bored finney .

the swings were the only good part of the park, she hated the slides cause of how many spiders she has to avoid trying to get to the slide

she was on her way to the swings, spotting someone already swinging there.

she sat down and started swinging, glancing at the girl on her side from time to time.

"hey im gwen, Gwen blake!" she said, the silence was too awkward she couldn't bear with it.

"Oh, hey im Amy yamada!" she said back smiling at her

gwen stared at her and observed her, noticing she had black hair down to her side, dark brown eyes and was wearings jean shorts, a leather jacket and a white long sleeve

amy observed gwen, seeing as she had light brunnete hair, brown eyes and was wearing jeans, a tank top with a blazer

"So ur Bruce's sister? Nice! I'm Finney's, ur brother always plays baseball with my brother.".

"Oh yea haha. I swear , Bruce would die for baseball." she said , giggling

"So what'd are you doing out here?" Amy asked, starting to swing again

"hanging around, I got bored being home all day! u wouldn't know how annoying finney is when he's bored" gwen replied.

"Same!, Bruce is so annoying I had to get away!!" Gwen laughed.

"Wanna go somewhere else? As much as I love these swings I hate this part of town. Its creepy!!" Amy said.

Gwen nodded and Amy grabbed her hand and started walking someplace else.

They stumbled at the baseball field where Bruce and Finney always play at.

" how do they even run that fast to get a home run, I swear! " Gwen exclaimed. Amy laughed

they were talking about anything that came up on their mind, it was only 2pm and gwens curfew was at 7.

GWEN AND AMY HAD been in that field for about an hour, running out of things to do.

"Let's go to that mall that's like 20 minutes away! I'm so bored of being in this baseball field. It reminds me of Bruce, I went out to get away from Bruce!!" Amy whined.

Gwen was laughing at her and nodded her head, I mean she was right. she left the house to get away from finney!

they started walking, talking about how they hate school.

"I hate ms.rhode, she gives out Soo much work" Amy said, extending the 'o' in so.

"exactly! she hands out 2 tests everyday, for each class she has! I don't think she realizes that she has to grade all those every week."

by now they were right outside the mall, Gwen had 20 bucks on her and Amy had 30.

they spotted a clothing store.

"oh my god let's go in there!! I want those glasses!!" Amy said excitingly. dragging Gwen by her hand.

Amy was putting on tons of glasses on, from sunglass to regular glasses to heart shaped glasses.

"Ooo I like that one! get it!!" Gwen said at the heart shaped ones.

Amy decided on those glasses and they went to look around the store more.

Gwen ran over to the shirt aisle.
"this shirt is adorable!! I need to try it on" she said speaking about a red and white stripped shirt.

"yes!" Amy exclaimed, Gwen went into the changing rooms as Amy scanned through all the clothes.

"EEE O M GEE!!!" Amy said in exciment when Gwen walked out, "i LOVE it! u look so good!!" she said smiling, "I'm so getting this!" Gwen said

she walked back in the dressing room to change back and buy the shirt

they walked out with Amy having her glasses on top of her head, Gwen having the bag in her hand as they laughed about the guy who fell while they were checking out

"I'm thirsty, let's grab a milkshake!"
Gwen said, they walk to the food court and order a vanilla and a chocolate milkshake

"how do you like vanilla? It's Soo plain!!" Amy said, "how do you like chocolate?? It's so sweet!"

they kept arguing about that back and forth until their milkshakes were ready, they found a table and sat down

'girls just wanna have fun' started playing on the speakers,
"Oh my god I've been obsessed with this song!" "Same! I can barely listen to it because finn claims it's Soo 'girly'!"

they both laughed.
gwen admired Amy for a split second, I mean Amy is her girl, friend.

Ashley was just a casual friend of gwens, she met her earlier that year but they've never hung out.

the only people she's hung out with are Finney or robin

"let's go to a jewelry store and make bracelets!" Amy said, they threw away their already finished milkshakes and walked towards a store.

"low-key I want a blue one" "oo ill make a pink more!!!" Gwen said

they walked around the store and saw the aisle with beads and strings so they started making their bracelets

"can you tie mine? If I do it, it'll untie and break the second I put it on my wrist." Amy asked, Gwen nodded and tied it for her

they soon checked out and left,
It was 6pm so they started to walk home

"what street do you live on?" gwen asked, "uhh actually I'm not sure! I've lived her my whole life and never care to check"

"same!" they giggled and walked until they reached gwens house,
"oh wow! my house is 2 houses down" Amy said, smiling

"o m gee!! we can hangout whenever!!" she said, they said goodbye and Gwen went in her house

"FINNEY" gwen said out loud, their dad still wasn't home.

"YEA" Finney yelled back, she went to her room after as finney yelled a couple of 'what's'.

she loved to yell Finney's name then when he answered, she just ignored him

she changed into pjs and read a book she's been dying to finish

she had a bookshelf full of books yet only really read about 7 of them

eventually she got tired, seeming as she was walking all day and it was 9pm.

she fell asleep after a few minutes of closing her eyes.

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