CHAPT:: five.

325 13 21

" the hang out "

It was almost time to meet up with robin so we could hang out, Bruce
helped me with my outfit yesterday
when he was over.

he stayed the night and left a few hours ago, I was planning on calling Robin since we never agreed on where to hang out,
then my phone started buzzing .

robin:: hey finn, you never said where we gonna meet up?

finn:: oh hah right, sorry.
how about we meet up at the grab n go and go from there?
I was thinking we'll meet up in an hour or so?

robin:: okay for sure. see you then finn!

I already had taken a shower this morning so I decided to just fix my hair in the mean time, regardless I needed to, it looked like a bird's nest.

I didn't do much to it, just curled some part that we're looking straight.

by the time I finished it was 4:35.
I had 25 minutes to finish, I texted rob to meet me at the grab n go in an hour, and that was at 4.

I decided to put on the outfit bruce planned out, put some rings on and leave.

well, I got money first if I wanted to get anything and also my phone.

on the way out I told Gwen that I was gonna be gone for a few, she didn't mind and I began walking there.

robins pov::

it was Thursday, me and finney had been planning to hang out since Monday or so, I'm not quite sure if he said a place or a time so I texted him to find out

robin:: hey finn, you never said where we gonna meet up?

finn:: oh hah right, sorry.
how about we meet up at the grab n go and go from there?
I was thinking we'll meet up in an hour or so?

robin:: okay for sure. see you then finn!

I decided on an outfit a few hours ago and decided to hop in the shower to wash my hair quickly.

afterwards I began to put my hair to dry while I began getting dressed, slipping my rings and necklaces on before I decided to get my hair neat, I was gonna wrap my black bandana around it to match with my outfit.

I decided on some baggy dark blue jeans and a classic black tee.
I switched out the black bandana to a white one, I had tons of bandana's.

I was excited to see finney, I've liked him for awhile I just never got the chance to ever be friends with him, he was always around that Vance guy and griffin

I was sort of griffins friend, well it was only to tell him about Billy.
and Vance, well. he's a tough guy.
I've only ever seen him laugh when he was with finney. to which I always hated.

it should've been me that was making finney laugh, not vance hopper.

I heard my phone buzz as I got it out of my pocket.

finn:: hey, I'm on my way, I'll be there in 10.
read at 16:55 pm

time slipped away and I grabbed some money and walked out, well not before saying goodbye to my mom and sisters,

I lived in a house full of women.
so I grew up well mannered and stuff. getting into a fight here and there.

i was already outside the grab n go. 'damn I'm fast ' I thought.

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