CHAPT:: 10 pt.2

203 10 0

" but I love that man
like nobody can "


IT WAS ABOUT 2:45pm,
gwen and Finney were just about ready to go, the pool was only 10 minutes from there so they walked for a bit.

"oh shit, finn did you bring sunscreen? I totally forgot." Gwen asked, finn nodded in reply.

they were already there and just waiting for the others

they applied sunscreen and already had their swimsuits on, they were talking while they're feet were in the water

"how long does it take to get her? most of them live 5-9 minutes aw-" finn got caught off as he fell into the water landing with a splash

"what the -" gwen falling in the water, rising up yelling at Finn for pulling her feet in

"FINN I DIDN'T EVEN PUSH YOU!" she said, splashing water in his face

she heard 2 laughs coming from on top of them, "Bruce yamada" Finn mumbled, "Amy yamada!" Gwen shrieked.

she starting splashing water towards them, as finney followed

while Finn was busy splashing them gwen came out the water and went behind the duo

"boo!" she said out loud, pushing both of them in, waiting for them to rise up rubbing the water of their faces before jumping in just to splash more water onto their face

soon after a few other people jumped in, the people being robin and Vance.

they were waiting on Billy and griffin before they started to actually do something

"they're probably sucking face somewhere" Vance said, someone splashing water directly in his face

"uh actually we weren't!!" griffin said, "oh ur so dead!" Vance said, before swimming in the water and chasing after griffin

griffin shrieked as he tried swimming away, unlucky for him,
he didn't know how to swim

"HELPP" he yelled before getting dragged under

shortly after he came back up, desperately reaching for air.

Bruce started laughing at them and began getting splashed by Billy

"hey!" Bruce said, splashing water back in his face, and before they knew it they were trying to drown each other

"anyways.." Finn trailed off, "let's play something!" Gwen and Amy said at the same time

"CHICKEN FIGHT!!!" griffin yelled, "okay who's going against who?" billy asked

"Let's do Gwen on finney and Amy on Bruce, siblings against siblings!" billy said, as the four nodded

Gwen began getting on finney as Amy going on Bruce

"1,2.." Vance was counting, "3!" he said, immediately Gwen launched on Amy as she tried getting her off

finney holding gwens knees steady so she wouldn't fall off,
which he was lucky that nobody saw.

Gwen was obviously winning as
Amy was already falling over, once Amy lost balance Gwen went in and pushed her once more leading a splash to erupt

"HAH!" Gwen yelled in excitement,
Amy started splashing her as finn got water in his eyes and let go of gwen to rub his eyes making Gwen tumble backwards

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