#1- 'Hermit's Home For Hatchlings'

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Grian stood his ground, staring at The Blade, a hero & Grian's new alias's mortal enemy.

I should probably mention 2 things. First, Grian is now the villain named The Watcher. Second, Grian is a parrot hatchling, at 22. His hybrid features took this long to reveal themselves because of a simple case called trauma. That's not very important, what is, however, is that Hatchlings are often put in silly little homes where they're educated on instincts & how to deal with them. Then they're released into the world.

Grian is very obviously not in a Hatchling home like he legally should be. It's fine, Grian doesn't want to be trapped in a silly gray building, forced to inform everyone about why it took so long for his hybrid features to show.

You can see the issue.

Why is Grian being a villain, though, if he's going to get himself thrown in a home?

Well, when he was first kidnapped dramatically by the Watcher Cult, they tried to sacrifice him, and long story short, now he had a magical Watcher form with void-burnt skin & full grown, black wings !! ( that can harden on demand!!)

No issues whatsoever!

Now, let's get back to the dramatic fight between The Watcher, The Blade, & The Voidwalker.


The Blade swings his glimmering diamond axe towards the Watcher in an arc, watching as the villain just barely dodges. His magic flickers for a second, dirverting from maintaining his Watcher form to blocking arrows with a purple shield, courtesy of the Voidwalker.

Grian prayed no one noticed the flicker.

Unfortunately, Voidwalker did.

His helmet was quick to capture an image of the Watcher's true wings, small ones resembling a parrot, with soft white hatchling feathers still imbedded within the vibrant colors. Somehow, in a twist of fate, that new villain was a hatchling.

A hatchling that the Blade was about to stab.

" Blade! Fuck, wait, he's a hatchling!"

The Blade stopped his movement, turning to look at Voidwalker, who saw the villain bolt. Drawing on the everlasting Void, Voidwalker formed a net using his power to manipulate the dark substance. The Blade had already taken off after the Watcher, with the new goal of catching the hatchling using as little violence as possible.

Voidwalker took off too, running across the rooftops. He readied the net, quickly approaching where the Blade was trying to gently (ish) wrestle the Watcher down. It was quite the fight, the Blade's expert combat knowledge with the Watcher's powerful magic. It mattered not, since Voidwalker threw the net with perfect aim, determining the ending.


Grian was now pinned to the ground. By what, you ask? Why, a net made of pure void! Pure panic rushes through the fledgling villain as the Blade & Voidwalker looked down at him. He was quite tangled with the net, making escape practically impossible.

Grian was caught, wasn't he?

Oh god.

" Ok, look, hatchling, we're gonna get you to the home a friend of mine runs. Will you do us a favor and cooperate, or...?"

Voidwalker had leaned in Grian's face, speaking calmly. Grian tried to stab them with a dagger that was once attached to their side. The hero quickly retracted their face, shooting the Blade a look of mixed sadness.

" Alright then, sorry, little hatchling."


The hilt of the Blade's axe came swinging towards Grian's head. At the last second, he caught a glimpse & tried to dodge.

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