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i got bored and the taurtis/grian marriage head canon has been top of the mind lately



Season 10.

Also known as Season 4 of The Bachelor (Hermit Edition).

Also known as the season of shipping married men.

Not only was Scar & Mumbo competing for Grian's heart, but now.. Joel had been thrown into the mix. It was a wonderful time to be the manager of bets/the whole premise (Ren). It's a tad shocking that Grian was playing so hard to get, but Joel would certainly bring a decisive end to his series in a season- stubborn and all.

That's what makes this so important- the first date. The first meeting of the season, a make-or-break chance. A wonderful clearing had been found, and to begin, everyone was off on a group meeting.

Not a date.

At least, according to Grian. Joel knew exactly what he'd gotten into and was ready to shock everyone by revealing the fairly obvious fact of his marriage, along with the fact he was planning to win big with his bet on Grian- He's going to be closet with the avian, as double dates seem to be a popular subject, so he's in the best position to make bets.

Joel's big stakeout chance is actually now, as he's finally arriving to the valley. It's covered in vibrant flowers, each swaying with the wind in various colors of hazy pastel that brings a relaxed and curious aura to the valley. The grass itself is dewy and it shines in the midday sun. In the center of the grove, which is surrounded by towering cherry trees, their delicate pink petals drifting through the air, is a striped blanket- how Ren acquired the pictureperfect movie blanket, Joel would have to guess.

Ren had strange ways. Considering he also got a nice, tan woven basket.. it did call into question what movie producers he was working with, to get all of their extra props. Joel swears he's seen all of this in some obscure movie.


Anyway, he's the first person here.. which means tons of waiting because everyone else is ALWAYS late. Hermitcraft seems to run on a different timezone, he guesses. He spends a few minutes scrolling through comments before finding one that's unusual..


lol what is with hermits shipping married men xD

Married men? As in, Grian & Joel?

But.. Grian's single, right?

Interesting. Joel'll have to ask later. Now, however, everyone except him seems to be appearing from a beaten trail through the woods that Joel didn't notice. (he rolled a nat 1 perception)

They're all talking, rather loudly too. Joel spots Etho & Iskall making friendly chatter (WHY DID ISKALL AUTOCORRECT TO ISRAEL WTH) as they walked over to where he was already sat. Grian was excitedly talking to Mumbo & Scar about some place he was planning to go. You could just see the delicate fondness that moved through the taller two's eyes, warming them like the sun towards a clearing.


They all settle somewhere on the blanket, and the lunch soon descends into passionate arguments and Mumbo falling into the rows of wildflowers. Joyful laughter filled the air, even as a shadow of dusk descended and the sky slowly turned to wonderfully mingling colors of bright blues, pinks and purples.

Eventually, everyone started to bid goodbyes and Joel pulled Grian aside to ask about the comment.

"Whatcha need?"

Joel studied him, with his short stature and pigmented wings. He had light blue eyes that, unlike showing innocence like Joel would've expected, showed the deep and heavy weight of something.

"Are you married?"


Grian's wings partially flared, staring. He was clearly flustered and not expecting that, staring blankly at Joel who raised an eyebrow.

"uh.. 8 years now?"




"8 YEARS??"

"Married at 19?"

Joel blinked. Night had descended fully, darkness overtaking the woods and giving it a sinister feel. Grian shrugged.

"To who??"

"You wouldn't know him. He lives off-server."

Wow. Ok. So Grian isn't just innocently oblivious, he's full on.. not even thinking romantically because he's..


That's weird, like really weird.

"I'm going to head out now!"

Grian waved goodbye and took off, leaving Joel with his thoughts. Only one thing to do: message the entirety of Empires with this new revelation.


more ?

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