story i wrote to outwrite

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(characters: sage and floral)

scarlet red blood glistened in the fading light of the sun. sage loomed over floral, tears pouring out of green eyes.

"you don't have to do this."

" you know i do."

floral attempts to crawl backwards, blocked by a grey body. It's days old, at this point. bloated and smelling. floral can already hear the vultures that will circle the grounds, eyes gleaming with the excitement of a predator as it tears into her friends, family, fellow soldiers. as it tears into her.

she won't leave here alive. sage won't let her. floral doesn't think sage will leave alive, either, though. they've seen too much. floral can see it in her watery eyes, blank and scared and numb.

sage didn't want to do this

but she had too. she had to end it, to live to see the finale. to breathe air that will seem so much lighter now that floral's dead. so much heavier, for the same reason.

her eyes flick over the steel of the sword. it's caused the end of many others with out hesitation. her father. many of the people scattered around here, now. it's the only evidence of her crimes; the only weapon. the only reason she's standing here now, staring at floral and waiting. 

waiting for what?

maybe a sign from god. maybe a blessing from floral. maybe for floral's actions to reappear in her mind, for the anger to blaze through her once more.

maybe she knows she can't do it. she can't move a single inch forward, to bring the bloodstained metal through floral's neck.

but at the same time, there's no way sage can leave without doing it. without killing her best friend, her partner. without killing the one who fractured her life and mind, destroying everything sage ever loved with a sick glee

"do it." 

floral says. her eyes are dark. she's accepted what's going to happen. sage questions if she regrets anything.

perhaps she should ask

floral is done with her hesitance. she pulls the blade, forcing sage forward.

"kill me. fucking do it, you coward. or are you too scared? it's just like you. always too fucking scared to do something. and people wonder why i latched onto you."

sage can feel her heart stop. even though, even though floral ruined everything, sage still thought- sage still thought that floral loved her. that floral chose her because she liked her. that, even though she knew she'd ruin it, couldn't resist following her heart

sage doesn't think floral has a heart, anymore.

she takes a breath. the sword swings up. blood flies through the air.

sage brings the weapon down, eyes squeezed shut.

just as the sword cuts flesh, she hears something


"im sorry."

floral falls. she's dead. blood gushes from her head, covering her face. sage stared at the lifeless body of the girl she thought she knew

the numb feeling overcomes sage. her sword falls to the ground. the day is gone, bleeding away like floral's remaining life.

with a breath, sage walks away. for once, floral was wrong.

for once.


cool that's it lmao


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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