#11- scrapped oneshot

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we lost the plot here.


There was a flyer on Grian's new dorm room. With heavy eyes and a glare, he tears the paper off, not bothering to spare it a glance. Like most of the posters, he can presume it's for some shitty club or frat.

Grian just wants to sleep. He has a simple plan and he's going to follow it. In & out, locked away from others 'till he can get a degree and ditch.

He'll have time for friends in adult life. Totally.


Whatever. Grian is way too tired and jetlagged from the 13~ hour flight to America, Land Of The Free (cue corny eagle sounds.) to deal with their random requests. Like, he just moved in?? How would these tight knit clubs even have the slightest hint of what he's like, or that he'd be a good fit??

It's just an entirely uncalled for situation.

Grian finally enters the room and looks around, finding it to be.. your average small college room. He chose not to have a roommate, because- again, plan. Sticking with the plan.

He drops his old bag, collapsing on the shitty mattress. Sure, it's probably fucking ancient, but anything seems amazing at the moment.


Life is fine. It's very typical for a broke college student riddled with depression and PTSD. Grian's classes are fine, he's not super stressed, and he hasn't had a breakdown in class over something stupid like his old village or highschool. Those are saved for his small bathroom.

Except for the now prominent fact that, he can't afford anything.

Grian's wallet is empty as Alaska.

Well, fuck!

He starts pacing. Grian didn't think this far ahead, when he was inevitably out of money. Figured he'd get a job or something when he got here, you know? Apparently, minimum wage here is worthless, so Grian's fucking screwed when it comes to paying for his dorm. And food. And basic necessities.

Of course, to add insult to injury, he slips on an old poster, barely catching himself and glaring down at the offending piece of crumbled paper. It's a frat advertisement, bright and energetic despite being dusty and crappy.

Wait, don't fraternities live in, like, community houses? Community houses that do not have to pay rent? Community houses Grian can use to get food, shelter, and basic necessities?

Well, perhaps this wasn't going that terrible. He just had to.. get into the actual frat. Can't be that hard, right?


Not that hard.

Currently, Grian was standing infront of the frat house (or 'HermitCraft') and watching the utter chaos that reigned outside. Tons of people raced around, screaming various things like 'YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK IT!' to 'DrOP THE CANDLE-'

Someone appeared to have just been holding an exploding item, that very much exploded as they were covered in soot. A demon was trying to sacrifice a goat hybrid, and people were sitting on the roof. One very stressed man stood in the middle, wearing a full suit of armor.


He adjusted his bag. Look, the boss or whatever (the interview process was over email) looks at him with a nervous smile.

"Ello! You must be our new 'hermit'. I'm sorry for the.. state of the house. It's like I have 20 wild children."

He sounded so, so very tired. Grian pitted him, just giving a small smile. This frat functioned as more of a content house- like those big influencer ones. From Grian's understanding, he just has to record a video every 2 weeks to stay. Perfect! Simple!

"Let's get you to your room.."


Two months.

It'd been two months.

Content creating was stressful and weird. His little soft launch onto the channel was wildly successful, and people fell in love with his naturally bird-like traits- curiosity and energy, including mischief as a result of said curiosity and energy.

It felt fake. Grian wasn't happy and bubbly, he was cautious and depressed and very much not this fun to be around. It felt so, so wrong- especially because the other 'hermits' clearly hadn't noticed his negative behavior.

Fine. It's fine. Just four years and he's free to live the life of a random senate member's assistant.

There's a knock on his door. Oh, right! The hippie commune thing! Grian jumps off his bed, walking over to the door as he slightly adjusts his sweater. He opens it to find Ren, wearing a vibrant flower crown and holding one that he soon drops on Grian's head. He chuckles and adjusts it, grinning.

He follows Ren into the hallway, and they crash through the crowded pathway towards the backyard- where Area 77 lived, and where their little hippie commune lived. It was finally time to begin the plan- steal back Grian's time machine (which was a relic from Chutltu, and very much magical) and get back Ren's nuclear reactor.. which is questionably legal.

Their little camera flys in the air, following the two as they reach their own camp and find Impulse, waiting.

"So, we doing it?"

"The breaking and entering?"

Wicked grins followed the sentence. Grian gestured towards the building that is Area 77. As they needed somewhere for content, X just ended up buying 2 acres with the money from the channel to stop cluttering the backyard.

Everyone took a second to gather the necessary breaking and entering tools, before setting off to the large grey building..


The raid was successful. Grian had his artifact, Ren had his reactor, and Impulse had a good story. They were currently sneaking back into the house, trying to disguise their respected objects so as to avoid Area 77 realizing what had just occurred. Everyone disappeared into their rooms, bidding farewell.

Grian dropped the time warp onto his desk, taking a breath. Oh, Doc & Scar would be so mad. It was slightly exhilarating, the escape. He started to calm down, playing back the footage.

This would be fun to edit later.



A whole different world.

Where Grian gets to spend way too long watching a cheery version of himself and sinking farther into sadness. Because it's fake, it's all fake. Even the comments on his little videos are addressed to a fake person, a fake reality. Grian isn't fun or friendly 

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