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i had a dream..

no like literally i woke up with the strong desire to write more LoveLife

i don't

i dont know why

but uh hey


Week 2.

So far, there'd been no deaths (somehow- Scott wasn't exactly sure how he kept Scar alive, and he could bet Cleo was thinking the same way). There had, however, been rumors- Of Grian's rather loud conversation with Pearl, of the things Taurtis slipped to Bdubs, who almost immediately used it to stir the pot.

So far, apparently, about half the people Grian went to Highschool with turned out be literal psychopaths. Speaking of Grian, no one had seen him- or Pearl for a week.

Which is how Scott is standing here with Joel, Ren and Scar. They'd decided to go after the unfortunate two, both of which who were apparently linked to fore-mentioned psychopaths. Scott had invited Taurtis, who just shrugged it off. ('They'll be fineee')

Scott had mentioned it to Joel, who hadn't heard about his good friends potentially being linked to a psychopath, so he decided to come along- Ren tagged on, spewing something about protection. Scar said something similar, although Scott can't help but bet that he was influenced by his infamous crush on Grian.

Maybe not, but Scott didn't know how the hell Lovesick's strange brains worked. 

"Shall we head out?"

Scott was answered with nods, swinging a leg over his spotted horse. They'd been nibbling the grass, ears flicking every which way to watch his surroundings. Scar and Ren both insist on leading the way, even though neither have that good a sense of direction.

Must be a Lovesick thing.

After several minutes of cantering, Scar's horse freaking out over a rustling bush (im not even kidding i fell off when this happened.) and Scar almost hitting the dirt, they finally find an spruce fort near spawn.

Inside said fort, they hear a very pissed-off, exasperated, tired, whatever you wanna call it Grian yell.


"I dunno Gree-on... they seem like fighting words!"

"Sam. They are never fighting words. There is no such thing as fighting words! There is no need to fight Pearl!"

Everyone shared a look, dismounting and hobbling their horses. (Note: hobbling is when you tie ropes around a horse's ankles, so that they can still move and graze, but not run away) Scott attempted to lead the way, only for Scar to move infront of him, Ren echoing the move with Joel.

Joel and Scott couldn't help but share a look.

Scar knocked on the door, interrupting the arguing going on inside. It sounded like Grian was partially trying to gaslight Sam, who was simultaneously attempting to intimidate his link into allowing him to beat the shit out of Pearl.

Speaking of Pearl, she appeared and opened the door, waving at the four.

"What brings you here?"


"Worked in highschool!"

A sharp inhale from Grian.

Scott moved forward, pulling Pearl slightly outside and behind the door.

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