#7- Why am I looking to include Doc so much?

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Grian's just returned from Secret Life, landing on his bed with a flop.



That happened.

Basically, Grian was destroying the world after Scar won, when Xeyla & Zephyr appeared. An attempted kidnapped followed, so now Grian has a broken wing and that stupid fucking collar on his neck again.

It's a simple solution- call Astria to let her know that Xeyla's a bitch, and then Astria will get Garret & Ivy to help blast the collar off, and he'd be free.

The issue? Well, he's never getting out that portal. Are you kidding me? It's Hermitcraft, and Grian has a broken wing.


Might aswell try!

Slipping out of bed, he adjusted his red sweater and carefully folded his wings, using magic to secure the broken one so it doesn't hang out. Once his illusion has been perfected, Grian is off into the sky using a manifested Admin wing.

Just about no one saw him, and soon enough, Grian landed in the shopping district. The portal was in sight, a blue swirling mass. Grinning, he walks towards it with a smooth pace. Fake it 'till you make it!

Anyway, this wasn't actually hard, and Grian is just about to enter the portal when someone puts a heavy hand on his shoulder, preventing his exit.

Grian can't help but flinch at the pressure over his injured wing root, something that doesn't go unnoticed.

" Grian. Where are you going?"

Grian spins, grinning up at Doc! He's trying to subtly back away very slowly into the portal, although Doc -with his arms now folded- isn't very impressed.

" Hello Doc! I just needed some... er... tHinGs. From the hub."

" Right. What 'things'?"

Oh, shit, he didn't have an excuse. Also, his wing was starting to itch and slump, despite the magic (most of it went towards preventing the collar from throwing him in horrid pain) and it wasn't going unnoticed by Doc.

" Grian, are you OK?"

" I'm perfectly fi-NEE"

Doc pulled him forward gently, and only one of Grian's wings flared- the other was still tied down by magic.

" What happened to your wing?"

" It's just a little sore-"

Doc stared Grian down as he then tried to race off, only to be caught by the arm. Doc looms over the shorter boy, who shrinks.

" Grian. Stop lying. What happened to your wing."


Doc spun him, looking down at the pair of macaw wings, before gingerly drawing the injured one out. Grian winced as Doc's breath caught apon seeing the very obvious, clean break.

" Grian, this is clearly not nothing. How did you break your wing??"

" Hub dramatics."

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